Where to Submit Claim

Defense Finance
and Accounting Service
Providing payment services of the U.S. Department of Defense

Before sending your claim, be sure to use the checklists so your claim isn't returned for additional information or corrections! We know you want to get paid on time.

Upload your travel voucher and supporting documents online!
Travel Voucher Direct is available for all travel claims computed and paid by DFAS.

graphic button that links to Travel Voucher Direct


Note: Not for those using DTS (Defense Travel System) for their travel vouchers.

Where to submit your Travel Claim

If you are not using Travel Voucher Direct to submit your voucher, find the appropriate email address for your type of travel (fax numbers provided if available).

AMC/Defense Agency Claims:  dfas.rome.jft.mbx.amc-da-travel@mail.mil

Army Active Component Advances:  dfas.rome.jft.mbx.tdyadvance@mail.mil

Army Active Component VIP Claims:  dfas.rome.jft.mbx.tdy-vip@mail.mil

Army Active Component Settlement Claims: dfas.rome.jft.mbx.army-travel@mail.mil

Military PCS Claims:  dfas.rome.jft.mbx.milpcs@mail.mil

Military PCS Advance Claims:  dfas.rome.jft.mbx.milpcsadvance@mail.mil

Contingency Advances:  dfas.indianapolis-in.zte.mbx.in-cto-advances@mail.mil - Fax: (317) 275-0122

Contingency Settlement Claims: dfas.indianapolis-in.zte.mbx.contingency-travel@mail.mil - Fax: (317) 275-0332

Reserve Advances: dfas.indianapolis-in.zte.mbx.in-travel-advances@mail.milFax: (317) 275-0336

Reserve Settlement Claims: dfas.indianapolis-in.zte.mbx.in-reserve-travel@mail.mil -  Fax: (317) 275-0334

DLA/DCMA/DCAA/Navy TDY: dfas.indianapolis-in.zte.mbx.in-travel-columbus@mail.mil - Fax: (317) 275-0150


ATTENTION customers submitting casualty travel vouchers:

Submit your travel voucher packages via email to dfas.indianapolis-in.jfa.mbx.in-travel-casualty@mail.mil or mail to 

    DFAS-IN/Casualty Travel (JFA)
    8899 E. 56th St.
    Indianapolis, IN  46249

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Casualty Travel Customer Service by phone at 317-212-3562 (DSN 699-3562) or email dfas.indianapolis-in.jfa.mbx.casualty-customer-service@mail.mil. Your sevicing finance office or Warrior Transition Unit can provide information and assistance for completing and submitting your travel claims.

After we receive your claim, you can check the status online or by phone.

Page updated Sept. 8, 2015