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Programs & Services > Commercial Travel Management > Commercial Air > Other than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation

Other than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation

DTMO provides oversight of the Department's Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation (i.e., Premium Class Travel) policy. DoD policy requires economy-/coach-class travel accommodations be used when performing official government travel. Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation (any travel other than economy-/coach-class) at government expense is permitted on an exception basis only.

The Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Appendix H, includes Decision Support Tools to assist in determining if Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation can be used. In addition, the Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation Approval Checklist is required when making a determination on authorization/approval for the use of Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation. The checklist must be used and submitted as part of the approval documentation and serves as a record of accountability in which the Approving Official must certify that all decision factors and other alternatives were considered prior to recommending approval. Important items to note:

  • Authorization must be obtained on a case-by-case basis.
  • Blanket authorization and justification for Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Travel is prohibited.
  • Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation must be authorized in advance of the travel. If extenuating circumstances or emergency situations prevent advanced authorization, a traveler has 7 days within the completion of travel to obtain approval.
  • Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation, due to a medical disability/special need, may only be used when there is no other means to accommodate a traveler’s condition, such as bulkhead/aisle seating or use of two adjoining seats. A traveler’s condition must be certified by a competent medical authority and authorized by an Approving Official.
  • Failure to receive approval for Other Than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation may result in a traveler being financially responsible for costs over the economy/coach airfare.

The Reporting Offices (approval authority) must ensure that all trips involving Other Than Economy-/Coach Class fares have been approved in accordance with all regulations.

Reporting Other than Economy-/Coach-Class Transportation

Department of Defense must report all “Other Than Economy-/Coach Class (OTECC)” air and rail fares to the General Services Administration annually. DTMO developed an automated web based tool to ensure visibility, proper authorization and ease of reporting known as the Premium Class Travel Reporting Tool (PCTRT). 

The PCTRT collects data from Travel Management Centers, sends it to the DTMO for validation, who then forwards it to the appropriate Reporting Office or the Service/Agency Representative(s) to ensure the trip was approved. Reporting Offices are able to upload approval documentation so that the Services and Agencies have a central location for all approvals.

The Premium Class Travel Reporting Tool is housed in the DTMO's web portal, Passport. Service representatives who have been authorized by their Service/Agency Representative to report Other Than Economy-/Coach Class information may register for the Premium Class Travel Reporting Tool. To register for the tool, you must first have a Passport account.  If you already have a Passport account, go to to access to the PCTRT.  Once registered and approved, you can access the tool via Passport.


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