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Health, Safety & Work-Life Directorate

Office of Work-Life Programs -

Call 1-855-CGSUPRT (247-8778) 24/7 to access services

Who is Eligible for this Program?
The CG SUPRT Program is available to the following members of Team Coast Guard:

Purpose of Program
The CG SUPRT Program is a professional staffed service that is available 24/7. Its purpose is to assist CG employees with a wide range of mental health and other life concerns, such as depression. relationship issues, and work stress, which may impact their ability to perform on the job and/or the family.

Program Confidentiality
As mandated by law and regulations. all contact with the CG SUPRT are held in strict confidence, except in some unique situations such as when someone threatens to harm himself or others. The CG SUPRT Program is provided by an outside contractor to better assure confidentiality and access in all the CG locations.

Services of CG SUPRT

What to Expect:
When employees contact CG SUPRT, they can expect to talk with a professional who will first gather information such as the nature of the concerns, and, if they would like face to face counseling, where they would like to meet with a counselor. Then the employee will be contacted by a local counselor to begin the process of setting up an appointment. Usually an appointment is established  within a few days unless there is an emergency situation. Telephonic requests will be transferred to the appropriate specialist

Point of Contact and to Access the Services:

Call: 855-CG SUPRT (247-8778)

If there are any questions or concerns about the CG SUPRT Program or if special assistance is needed, each Health Safety & Work Life (HSWL) Regional Practice employs a civilian Employee Assistance Program Coordinator (EAPC). Regional Work-Life Staff, Among other duties the EAPCs help market the program, manage its complaints/issues, and arrange for critical incident involvement.

If you need additional assistance beyond the information provided here, please contact the Headquarters Chief, Behavioral Health Service Division, CDR Elizabeth Fielder, CG-1111, at 202-372-1599 or email at

Program References
The following reference provides details of the Employee Assistance Program:

Related Web Sites
The following web sites provide information related to the Employee Assistance Program:

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Last Modified 8/19/2016