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Health, Safety & Work-Life Directorate

Office of Work-Life: Work-Life Field OfficesWork Life logo

Service delivery of Work-Life Programs is accomplished by 13 field Work-Life staffs assigned to Health, Safety, and Work-Life Regional Practices (HSWL RP) Coast Guard-wide. These Work-Life specialists administer their respective programs in accordance with Commandant (CG-111) policy and other such directives that may be issued by competent authority. They coordinate a myriad of program elements as specified in these policies, including training, mandatory reporting, marketing, measuring and evaluation, networking with local care providers, education and outreach.

Work-Life Field staffs are located at HSWL RP's in Alameda, Boston, Cleveland, Honolulu, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Miami, New Orleans, Portsmouth, San Pedro, Seattle, St. Louis, and Washington, DC.

Work-Life Staff Contact List

The Work-Life Staff Roster provides contact information to all members.

To access the web site for your Work-Life Field Staff, click on the appropriate link below:

HSWL RP Alameda
HSWL RP Boston
HSWL RP Cleveland
HSWL RP Cape May
HSWL RP Honolulu
HSWL RP Juneau
HSWL RP Kodiak
HSWL RP Miami Beach
HSWL RP New Orleans
HSWL RP Portsmouth
HSWL RP LA/Long Beach
HSWL RP Seattle
HSWL RP St. Louis
HSWL RP Washington, DC

Work-Life Field Offices

To contact the Work-Life staff closest to you, call 1-800-872-4957 followed by the extension listed next to the following Base locations:
Alameda (252) Juneau (317) Portsmouth (305)
Boston (301) or
(dial direct to 617-223-3485)
Kodiak (563) San Pedro (311)
Cleveland (309) Miami Beach (307) Seattle (313)
Honolulu (314) New Orleans (308) St. Louis (302)
Washington, DC (932)

Child Development Centers

Contact information for the Coast Guard Child Development Centers

Family Resource Specialists

Contact information for Coast Guard Family Resource Specialists (FRS)

Regional Ombudsman Coordinators and HSWL Regional Practices

Contact information for Coast Guard Ombudsman

Transition/Relocation Managers

Contact Information for Transition/Relocation Managers (TRM)

Health Promotion Managers

Contact information for Coast Guard Health Promotion Managers (HPM).
Location Name Phone E-Mail
CG-1111 Behavioral Health Services CDR Elizabeth Fielder 202-372-1599
HP Program Manager Tim Merrell 202-475-5146
Yvette Lillge 617-223-3244
St. Louis
Dean Gingerich 314-269-2347
LA/Long Beach
Cynthia Castellon 310-521-6131
HSWL RP Honolulu Jessica Dung 808-842-2088
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Last Modified 9/23/2016