4 Tips to End Numbness, Reconnect With Your Emotions

By Crystal Coleman, DCoE Public Affairs

Feeling emotionally numb or disconnected from those close to you, or from life in general, is a common symptom of some psychological health conditions. If you feel emotional numbness, there are actions you can take to improve your emotional well-being and your psychological health. Below are four tips that may help.

  • Start with your doctors. Your family doctor can help you identify any physical issue that may cause you emotional distress. You can also reach out to a psychological health care provider such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor or social worker to learn techniques you can use to bring your feelings back. For more information on what to ask a psychological health care provider, visit the Real Warriors Campaign website.
  • Talk to those you trust. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your family, friends or chaplain may help you find the motivation you need to make changes that will improve your mood and feelings. You can also reach out to the DCoE Outreach Center day or night. Call 866-966-1020, email resources@dcoeoutreach.org or live chat with a resource expert.
  • Stay positive with help from mobile apps. Virtual Hope Box is a mobile app you can use to help relax and focus on the positive. Using the app, you can create your own virtual collection of uplifting items (such as photos, music, inspirational quotes) to keep with you on the go. The National Center for Telehealth and Technology offers many more apps that can help you reduce stress and address other concerns. Find the complete list of available iOS and Android apps online.
  • Get active, sleep well and eat healthy. Operation Live Well has a comprehensive list of resources to help you make physical activity a consistent part of your routine, get better sleep and eat a healthy diet.

Service members in crisis should seek help immediately by going to the nearest emergency room or contacting the Military Crisis Line. Dial 800-273-8255 (press “1” for military) for 24/7 crisis support. The crisis line provides a confidential chat and text service (838255). Family members and friends of service members or veterans can also use the Military Crisis Line to reach immediate help.

Do you have a tip that helps you when you are feeling numb? Share it with us in the comment section below.

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3 Responses to 4 Tips to End Numbness, Reconnect With Your Emotions

  1. Mary Price says:

    You mentioned for help, go to a Social Worker, this is a bad idea. Before I go forward let me preface this by saying I know for a fact what I say here is true. If u go 2 a SW they will open anew investigation on you. During this investigation they will speak to your whole family. If they refuse they will be subpoenaed. 98% of the time if, u have a minor chid/children they will be removed from ur home & put in foster care. No they won’t go to family members. The government can’t make any $ if they do that. The cycle goes on. Your pain is now thru the roof. Now you are more depressed than u were when u started this whole thing. When u go to court for ur child if u show emotion, you get scolded by the judge. You have opened a big can of worms. It will get a he’ll of alot worse b4 it gets better. In many cases the SW lies in court and in their reports that they turn in to the courts. This will be the nail on ur coffin. U will more than likely lose your child to the system. As for talking to some one , if ur only choice is to use a county worker cause you have no insurance don’t do this if you have a family. If will be torn apart. If you have private insurance use it. If u just need to talk u can try finding a hot line, but they are typically non-existent. Finding help caneeded be tricky. Remember you need to feel comfortable with this person so u can be truthful with him or her. Whatever u do if u feel like you could benefit from help please get some.

  2. This is some really good information to know about if a loved one or you are struggling to connect with your emotions. I like what you said about finding a psychiatrist is a good place to start. Getting professional help does seem like it would be helpful if you haven’t been able to feel any emotions for a long time. It might also be a good idea to talk to friends and family about recommendations for a psychiatrist as well.

  3. Jada Brown says:

    You should all be very depressed. Hillary Clinton and her VP James Starvidis a NATO Jewish commander plan on starting wars in the Ukraine and Iran. All the peace agreements Obama and Kerry worked for destroyed. Hillary is owned by very bad people and WW3 is coming. Wish we could reject her as president.

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