Bread Crumbs

Living Your Ideal Lifestyle is at the Core of the Free Smoking Cessation Program


Are you living your ideal lifestyle? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. It can be tough to make lifestyle changes part of your daily routine. For example, smoking less and starting an exercise routine can help you quit smoking, but it’s not easy to design your lifestyle around those small changes long enough to make it a new routine.  

If being smoke-free is your ideal lifestyle, the Freedom Quitline offers counseling focused on lifestyle design for TRICARE beneficiaries trying to quit smoking. The Freedom Quitline is a National Institutes of Health-funded research study, co-sponsored by the 59th Medical Wing and University of Tennessee Health Science Center.

Lifestyle design is the “process of taking proactive steps to become the person you’d like to be,” says the Freedom Quitline’s Dr. Gerald Wayne Talcott, Ph.D. Change is hard. You try, but often can’t follow through and implement those changes permanently.  

The counselors at the Freedom Quitline are there to help participants stay focused on their goal of being tobacco free. When you quit smoking with the Freedom Quitline, you’ll receive telephone counseling specially designed to help increase your motivation to change your behavior. Plus, you’ll receive free nicotine replacements sent to your home. 

Wouldn’t it be great to taste food again, breathe easier, have fresh smelling clothes, more money in the bank, and generally feel better? The Freedom Quitline counselors are available to help you stick with the change you want. It’s easy to find out if you qualify. Call 1-844-I-AM-FREE (1-844-426-3733) or go online to learn more at

Last Updated 9/14/2016