Army Reserve/National Guard

Defense Finance
and Accounting Service
Providing payment services of the U.S. Department of Defense

We serve deployed/mobilized Army Reserve and National Guard members supporting Contingency Operations in a combat zone and Wounder Warriors, their family members and support personnel submitting TDY vouchers.

Use the May 2011 version of the travel voucher, DD1351-2 form! 
After April 30, we will only accept the current version of the travel voucher. Earlier versions signed and dated May 1 or later will be returned for action. We don't want you to have to redo your claim on the current version of the form dated May 2011. 

The May 2011 version is accepted using one of the following methods...
1) digitally signed and electronically submitted,
2) digitally signed, hard copy printed then emailed, faxed or mailed in or 
3) hard copy printed with pen/ink signatures and emailed, faxed or mailed.

Remember, you can use the SmartVoucher to make things easier!
It guides you step-by-step through a series of questions and upon completion, it will generate a completed DD Form 1351-2 travel voucher. 

Take time read tips to avoid common errors and these frequently asked questions before filling out your travel voucher.

Include a current email address
Make sure you enter a current, valid email address on your DD1351-2 travel voucher. We send your 'notification of receipt' email to the address you provide. We don't want you to miss messages from us about your travel voucher!


Local finance offices have the authority to publish local policies that do not change the original intent of the regulation, but rather clarify it or describe procedures for applying it.  DFAS-Indianapolis has adopted several local policies to clarify the travel regulations.

Airport Parking
When privately owned conveyance (POC) is used for one-way travel to a transportation terminal and then from terminal back to home or duty station when TDY is complete, the traveler is authorized reimbursement of the following for the most direct route:
- mileage
- parking fees*
- ferry fares
- road, bridge and tunnel tolls

*Parking fees are limited to the cost of two one-way taxicab fares, including allowable tips, unless the approving official waives this limitation. This applies only to parking fees, POC mileage is not to be included. A flat rate of $50.00 for a one-way taxicab fare is used for limiting terminal parking reimbursement. If you disagree with the amount of limitation and provide actual cost documentation or a written statement reflecting the actual cost of the taxi fare to/from the terminal, then Travel Pay Operations will recomputed the limitation.

Allowable Tips
TDY travelers must state what types of tips they are claiming for reimbursement. Not all tips are reimbursable. The following lists those that are reimburseable: 

Military travelers Civilian travelers
Taxis and courtesy shuttle Taxis and courtesy shuttle
Baggage handling (personal or government) at airports

Handling government owned property at lodging facilities*

Handling government owned property at lodging facilities*


*Clearly state the tip was for government owned property or it will not be reimbursed.
There is no limitation on the amount that can be reimbursed. Tips to maids, waiters/waitresses, room service and to bellhops for personal baggage handling are not separately reimbursable. These types of tips are included in the daily incidental portion of the meal rate.

After-the-Fact (ATF) Approvals
Approving officials may approve certain entitlements not originally authorized on a TDY Travel Order by signing and dating blocks 21a and 21b of the DD form 1351-2 in lieu of issuing amended orders. The following expenses may be approved “after-the-fact”:
- in and around mileage
- variations in the itinerary
- allowable miscellaneous expenses (rental cars, excess baggage and registration fees)
The approving official must specifically state what item they are approving after-the-fact in block 29, as well as, sign and date the form.

Cost Construction when using Taxis
When a traveler uses their privately owned conveyance (POC) for official travel, but POC is not authorized as more advantageous to the Government, a cost construction is done to determine the correct reimbursement. The traveler is authorized the lesser of:
a. Mileage and authorized reimbursable expenses for the official ordered travel distance plus per diem for the actual travel time; or
b. What it would have cost the government had a Government=procured transportation been used, plus the per diem for the constructed travel time, plus allowable expenses for taxi fares.

A flat rate of $50.00 for a one-way taxicab fare is used for limiting terminal parking reimbursement. If you disagree with the amount of limitation and provide actual cost documentation or a written statement reflecting the actual cost of the taxi fare to/from the terminal, then Travel Pay Operations will recomputed the limitation.

In-and-around Mileage at a Temporary Duty (TDY) Site

  • Applies to a traveler who drives their privately owned vehicle (POV)
  • A travel approving official (AO) may authorize/approve
  • In and around mileage at a TDY site does not require a mileage log
  • A statement-of-non-availability of government transportation alone does not authorize reimbursement
  • May be authorized on a travel order or an amendment, or may be approved after the fact by the AO on the DD Form 1351-2

In and Around Transportation at a Temporary Duty (TDY) Site

  • Pertains to public transportation obtained at a TDY site
  • A travel approving official (AO) may authorize/approve
  • Reimbursement of transportation fares and transportation-related tips are authorized



Page updated May 26, 2015