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InTransition is a free voluntary program to provide behavioral health care support to service members and veterans as they move between health care systems or providers. Personal coaches, along with resources and tools, assist service members during the transition period, empower them to make healthy life choices, and are available 24/7 via toll-free call.

Family members are also encouraged to call the program to find out how their service member can get started with inTransition. The Defense Department developed the program in response to its Mental Health Task Force recommendation to "maintain continuity of care across transitions" for service members and veterans. Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) manages the program and its support coaches.

Learn more about inTransition

Confidential, Toll-Free Number: 800-424-7877

Outside the US toll-free: 800-424-4685 (DSN)

Outside the US collect: 314-387-4700