Warfighter First in the News
October 14, 2016 - A DLA Rapid Deployment Team and personnel from across the agency recently deployed to Haiti to provide a range of services, supplies, expertise and infrastructure as the agency assists in disaster relief following Hurricane Matthew.
October 11, 2016 - Defense Logistics Agency Distribution cut the ribbon on its newest facility during a ceremony with logistics partners and customers September 30.
October 7, 2016 - Air Force customers and Defense Logistics Agency leaders met to discuss DLA’s continued support to the Air Force at the McNamara Headquarters Complex, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Oct. 6.
October 5, 2016 - For the 10th year in a row, DLA Distribution is ensuring the storage and distribution of the seasonal influenza vaccine to military all over the globe.
September 26, 2016 - Employees from across the McNamara Headquarters Complex celebrated the Air Force’s 69th birthday with stories and performances at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Sept. 22.



Deliver innovative and responsive solutions to Warfighters first,
DoD components, and our other valued customers

DLA’s top priority is Warfighter support. The current threat environment is complex, and we must be a trusted and responsive partner to the Warfighter as well as one that is able to anticipate changing and future needs. We will ensure our organization’s goals, processes, and performance are innovative, responsive, and synchronized with the current and future needs of the Warfighters, DoD components, other mission partners, and stakeholders.

Objective 1:
Anticipate, assess, and meet current and future Warfighter requirements

Warfighter requirements change at a moment’s notice. It is imperative that DLA rapidly senses and responds to these changes with innovative solutions and optimum support for all classes of supply. This includes linking DLA capabilities, such as materiel availability to support Warfighter readiness, with contingency planning and with Combatant Commanders’ Theater Posture Plans. We will work with our customers to understand their current requirements and anticipate future needs to ensure the right materiel is available to support their varied mission sets. 

Success for this objective:

More accurate demand forecasts, stock levels and positioning, paired with a rapid response to emergent requirements, which ultimately contribute to improved mission readiness for the Military Services and Combatant Commanders. 

Objective 2:
Partner with program managers for major acquisition systems to lower lifecycle costs

To provide more efficient and effective Warfighter support, we will strengthen our partnerships with program managers early in the acquisition process for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs). Collaboratively, we will identify critical program support requirements and potential decreased lifecycle costs, and align our resources accordingly. This early involvement will foster improved transparency and lead to reduced lifecycle support costs.
Success for this objective:
A valued partner integrated into the planning and execution of programmatic logistics solutions. Establish a comprehensive engagement process, with the top five Military Services designated MDAPs, that enables DLA to create options for program managers to reduce lifecycle logistics costs.

Objective 3:
Identify and manage supply system risks (execute and sustain our mission) 

There are significant risks in our current environment – operational, cybersecurity, terrorism, and counterfeiting – that pose severe challenges to our supply chains at any given time. It is imperative that we analyze, assess, and address these key risk areas across our supply chains. We will foster an internal environment where reporting and addressing operational risks such as cyber threats and counterfeit/irregular parts is encouraged and valued. That same attention must extend to our supplier base, where we must be astute in vendor relationship management to ensure our private sector partners protect our materiel and data integrity to effectively support the Warfighter. 

Success for this objective:
Implement a more comprehensive program to identify risks, detect counterfeit and nonconforming materiel, and establish secure systems to avoid or mitigate potential disruptions to logistics support and ensure the continuity of essential functions and operations.

Objective 4:
Leverage DLA’s Research and Development (R&D) program to infuse innovation into our solutions

We will identify and prioritize innovative R&D solutions based on our customers’ priorities. Understanding disruptive technologies and exploring potential game-changing innovations and other logistics R&D opportunities to support the Warfighter is a critical aspect of the solution. Early exploration and investment in emerging technologies will produce enhanced capabilities for our customers. For example, implementation of robotic technologies, automation in Distribution operations, and 3D printing of hard-to-source and long-lead-time parts will enhance logistics support capabilities and produce more reliable, cost-effective solutions. These innovations will remove barriers to the use of commercial technology, reduce response times, and ensure investments link directly to enhanced Warfighter support. Since industry R&D labs often generate viable prototypes, we will explore their innovations and invite them to demonstrate their capability-development efforts. Our R&D program will produce innovative logistics solutions that are more reliable, agile, and cost-effective. 

Success for this objective:
Rapid and seamless migration of logistics R&D investments into operational solutions. 

Objective 5:
Develop and implement a Whole of Government strategy aligned to DoD

While the Military Services and Combatant Commands remain our primary support focus, DLA possesses the core competencies to positively influence the outcome of Whole of Government response efforts and operations. This can be accomplished with no degradation of support to our DoD customers. We will achieve this through proactive, strategic engagement with federal agencies and organizations to optimize DLA’s ability to respond to domestic and international emergencies, natural disasters, and humanitarian relief efforts. Enhanced engagements with existing Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) partners and departments and agencies linked to diplomatic initiatives (DoS, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), foreign military sales) are a priority. Opportunities also exist to support federal, state, and local government agencies and organizations associated with homeland defense and emergency response missions. 

Potential partners have vital readiness or contingency requirements that could benefit from DLA’s competencies and services. To achieve this objective, a structured approach to identify and evaluate potential partnerships is essential. This approach considers mission alignment, costs, and risks, as well as the suitability of our expertise, capabilities, and limitations.

Success for this objective:
A comprehensive, transparent, business case-like analysis that facilitates a thorough assessment of Whole of Government requirements or requests. Key to this analysis is ensuring DLA’s ability to effectively support Whole of Government entities without any degradation of support to the Military Services and Combatant Commanders.