US Federal Government Employees

US federal government employees can register for access to DTIC services and information. This can include information with the following classifications:

Federal Government Employees who use a Federal Government issued PIV Card to access their agency’s network must use their PIV to register with DTIC. Please contact DTIC registration staff ( with questions about user ID and password access.

Step-by-Step Registration Instructions for US Federal Government Employees

Note: In order to register with a PIV card, DoD Root Certificates must be loaded in your browser. Please use the following URL to download the DoD Root certificates to your browser:

Once this is complete, please go to to register with your PIV.

    1. Click on the “Smart Card” box under Register with Smart Card.

    2. Next, you will see a pop-up with your certificates. Select your PIV certificate and click OK.

    3. If you are a Federal Government employee, you will be prompted for your Last Name, Birth Date and SSN in order to be verified through the OPM database. DTIC does not collect or store this information; it is used solely to verify your employment.

      a. If the system is able to verify your information, continue with the registration application.

      b. If the system is unable to verify your information, please continue to the registration application anyway. After completing and submitting the registration application; please send an SF50 or have your HR send a letter on Agency letterhead in order to verify employment. On the SF50, please black out everything except for your name and the government agency name. If your HR is sending the employee verification letter on Agency Letter Head, make sure your name and the fact that you are currently a government employee at that Agency (Agency Name) is included. The SF50 or the HR Letter can be sent as an attachment to or faxed to 703-767-9459.

    4. If you are not a Federal Government employee, simply complete and submit the registration application.

Registration Application

    5. Fill out the registration application.

      • Enter the agency/organization name on the organization line.
      • Enter your work address.
      • Select the Type of Access required:
        • Unclassified, Limited (UL)
        • Classified (If you need mailed copies of classified items or request digitization)

    6. Once submitted, the registration application will be verified by our Customer Access Team and an approval email will be sent with instructions on how to log in to DTIC.

Classified Access

    7. Enter the classified mailing address of your organization, in the Mail/Shipping Address section if you want to order classified documents from DTIC.

    NOTE: You will need to be registered for classified access on the NIPR, if you ever need to have a classified document digitized for the Classified site on the SIPRNET.

    8. Select the level of access you need: Confidential, Secret, Restricted Data (RD), CNWDI. Your security officer will need to provide the brief date if access to CNWDI is requested.

    9. Enter government approving official's contact information - name, title, phone number, agency/organization name and email address. Your government approving official will be your direct supervisor or someone higher in your chain of command.

Security Officer

    10. Enter security officer's contact information - name, phone number and email address.

    NOTE: An email will be sent to the government approving official and security officer (if provided) requesting approval of your request.

    11. Click on the Submit button. You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your application. This email is not an approval notice.

    NOTE: DTIC must receive all requested information to process your application.

    After successful processing of your application, you will receive a welcome letter via email with your DTIC login ID.

    NOTE: If you want online access to classified information: DTIC now has Registration directly on the SIPRNET. Please go to the following SIPRNET URL to register for DTIC's classified sites on the SIPRNET:

    NOTE: You cannot have online access to classified information if you do not have access to the SIPRNET and a SIPRNET email address.

Step-by-Step Upgrade Instructions

Submit & Verify Registration

Terms & Conditions

    2. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.

    3. Choose one of the following login options:

    • Click the Login/Register button to log in with your Common Access Card (CAC).
    • Click the Login button to log in with your DTIC login ID and password.

Application for Validated Registration

    4. Fill out the application for validated registration.

    • Enter the agency/organization name on the organization line.
    • Enter in your phone number or verify that what is listed is correct.
    • Enter your organization's classified mailing address.
    • Enter contract information ONLY if you are a contractor.

Classified Access

    5. Enter your classified mailing address of your organization, in the Mail/Shipping Address section if you want to order classified documents from DTIC.

    NOTE: You will need to be registered for classified access on the NIPR, if you ever need to have a classified document digitized for the Classified site.

    6. Select the level of access you need: Confidential, Secret, Restricted Data (RD), CNWDI, NATO Unclassified, NATO Confidential, NATO Secret. Your security officer will need to provide brief dates if access to NATO and CNWDI are requested (NATO brief date must be within the last 12 months).

    Approving Official

    7. Enter government approving official's contact information-name, title, phone number, agency/organization name and email address.

    NOTE: If you are a DoD, military or federal government employee, your approving official will be your direct supervisor or someone higher in your chain of command. If you are a contractor, your government approving official will need to hold one of the following titles over your contract:

    • Program Manager
    • Contracting Officer
    • Contracting Officer's Representative
    • Contracting Officer's Technical Representative

Security Officer

    8. Enter security officer's contact information - name, phone number and email address.

    NOTE: An email will be sent to the government approving official and security officer requesting approval of your request.

    9. Click on the Submit button. You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your application. This email is not an approval notice.

    NOTE: DTIC must receive all requested information to process your application.

    After successful processing of your application, you will receive a welcome letter via email with your DTIC login ID.

    NOTE: If you want online access to classified information: DTIC now has Registration directly on the SIPRNET. Please go to the following URL to register for DTIC's classified sites on SIPRNET at

    NOTE: You cannot have online access to classified information if you do not have access to the SIPRNET and a SIPRNET email address.

Renew Your Registration: US Federal Government, DoD and Military Employees

US Federal Government Employees:

  • You will receive email notification from DTIC 60 days prior to the expiration date of your DTIC account. Please respond to the notification to renew your DTIC registration for two years

  • If you have classified access, your security officer must also send an email to to re-approve the classified mailing address

US DoD and Military Employees:

  • Your DTIC account will automatically be renewed at login.

Update User Information: US Federal Government, DoD and Military Employees

Modifications to Email Addresses:

Modifications to Employment Status:

Contact Information Changes:

Update or Change Contract on your Account: