Small Business Programs

What Is A Small Business Set-Aside?

FAR Subpart 19.5

(Find the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at

As part of government-wide efforts to develop new businesses, certain solicitations are set aside for small business. A small business set-aside reserves a buy exclusively for participation by small business concerns. A small business set-aside may be open to all small businesses. A small business set-aside of a single acquisition or a class of acquisitions may be total or partial.

For more information on small business set-asides, go to FAR 19.501 – General, FAR 19.502 – Setting-Aside Acquisitions, and FAR 19.503 – Setting-Aside a Class of Acquisitions for Small Business.

What is a HUBZone set-aside?

A HUBZone set-aside is the reserving of an acquisition exclusively for participation by HUBZone small business concerns. For a procurement to be totally set-aside for HUBZone small business concerns, a contracting officer must have a reasonable expectation that offers will be received from two or more HUBZone small business concerns and awards will be made at a fair market price.

For more information on HUBZone set-asides, go to FAR 19.1305.

What is a SDVOSB Small Business Set-Aside?

Procurements may be set-aside for SDVOSB. A SDVOSB set-aside is the reserving of an acquisition exclusively for participation by SDVOSB concerns. For a procurement to be totally set-aside, a contracting officer must have reasonable expectations tha
soldier using forkliftt offers will be obtained from at least two capable SDVOSB firms and awards will be made at fair market price.

For more information on SDVOSB set-asides, go to FAR 19.1405.

Socio-Economic Small Business Programs

Select from the following Small Business Program links for information, descriptions and eligibility requirements.