Benefits of Submitting Documents to DTIC


Cost Savings

  • Reduce cost of storage, printing, and distribution of documents.
  • Leverage results to maximize R&D dollars.
  • Eliminate duplication of effort.


  • Provides off-site backup and disaster storage.
  • Migration to new formats and platforms when technologies change.
  • Provides long-term availability even if authors move or agencies reorganize or realign.


  • Bibliographic records/metadata created by DTIC make it easier to find documents.
  • Maintain access to documents on websites.
  • Retrieve publications easily.
  • Facilitate sharing, while safeguarding national security, through a multi-level secure system for controlled dissemination.
  • Provide new documents and newly digitized documents free to authorized users.
  • Store documents in the classified environment.


  • Reports are available to DoD colleagues. Reports you submit can be cited by professional colleagues worldwide.
  • Track and link related work for a DoD project, program or technology.
  • Share and transfer results within the DoD community.
  • Facilitate intellectual property management of federally funded public domain and government purpose rights works.