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The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity has managers that serve each USACE division as well as its centers and labs.  In this capacity, they manage the EEO complaints processing system to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements; plan and evaluate the Affirmative Employment Program; and monitor and assesse the climate of USACE activities to ensure that human resource management of civilians complies with EEO/affirmative employment principles and requirements.

USACE Division/District Offices

Telephone 202-761-0095    

Great Lakes & Ohio Rivers Division:
EEO Manager (iComplaints Management-Reporting Point of Contact)
Telephone: 513-684-3095      

Mississippi Valley Division:
EEO Manager (EEO Complaints/ADR/CP-28 Training/Development Point of Contact)
Telephone: 601-634-7135 

North Atlantic Division:
EEO Manager
Telephone: 718-765-7030 

Northwestern Division:
EEO Manager (Corporate Recruitment/CEEO Module Evaluation Point of Contact)
Telephone: 503-808-3792

Pacific Ocean Division:
EEO Manager (EEO Best Practice/No FEAR/POSH Point of Contact)
Telephone: 808-438-2797

South Atlantic Division:
EEO Manager (SEPM Prgm/IWDs Prgm/Reasonable Accommodations Point of Contact)
Telephone: 404-563-5045

South Pacific Division:
EEO Manager (Special Studies Analysis/ Title VI/Sharepoint Point of Contact)
Telephone: 415-503-6636

Southwestern Division:
EEO Manager (EEO Automation Tools/MD-715 Management-Reporting Point of Contact)
Telephone: 469-487-7014

Transatlantic Division: 
EEO Manager (DVVAP/EEO Mgmt Controls, Hispanic 9 Point Plan Point of Contact)
Telephone: 540-678-3040

Engineering Research Development Center (ERDC): 
EEO Manager
Telephone: 601-634-3743

Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity (HECSA): 
EEO Manager
Telephone: 202-761-8613

USACE Finance Center (UFC) : 
EEO Manager
Telephone: 901-874-8460

Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (HNC):
EEO Manager
Telephone: 256-895-1573