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A Foreign Military Sales case begins when a foreign government submits a "Letter of Request" (LOR) through their embassy. The letter should be mailed to the following address:

Defense Information System Agency/D03
P.O. Box 549
Ft. Meade, MD 20755-0549

The Letter of Request must include the following information:

A. Software utilization plan or purpose
B. Quantity of licenses to include future version upgrades
C. Required technical support
D. Required training and training resources
E. Inclination to share developed models with the JCSS Project Office
F. Provide technical and financial POCs

Letters can also be emailed as an attachment to disa.meade.FA.List.fms@mail.mil.

The information listed above will start the purchase process for the software and associated support. There are no other methods/processes for acquiring the software from DISA or the U.S. Government. Initially, U.S. Coalition Partners only need to state that they are interested in acquiring the software in an official letter. A JCSS Program Management Officer will begin the purchase dialogue upon receipt of the official letter. The JCSS PM Office can discuss capabilities or address questions U.S. Coalition Partners may have via a teleconference or meeting.

Note: Included in the purchase, the JCSS Project Management Office will verify and validate all models that you provide and incorporate/maintain the models in subsequent software releases.