Naval Sea Systems Command


Business Partnerships

Industry, academia and other government agencies have long expressed an interest in NSWC Philadelphia Division's unique research, testing, modeling and simulation capabilities, and computer software. Over the years many organizations have made use of our diverse capabilities. The mission of NSWC Philadelphia Division as defined by Congress enables us to work with the U.S. maritime industry, academia, state, local and foreign governments as well as private industry.

By establishing an alliance with NSWC Philadelphia Division you can gain ready access to the division's unique facilities and capabilities.

Broad Agency Announcements
Contracting Opportunities
Small Business Office
Work With Private Parties
Vehicles for Partnering

STEM Partnerships

Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) began  implementation of the National Defense Education Program (NDEP)-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics  (STEM)  initiative  in  2008. The organization works with schools in the School District of Philadelphia and in surrounding counties within the tri-state region of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Schools range from inner-city, large suburban and small rural schools. STEM initiatives which have been undertaken in Philadelphia include festivals and science fairs, classroom activities, outside classroom activities, mentorship and internship activities, and teacher and science and engineering training. NSWCPD partners with various universities and organizations to carry out these programs and is continuously looking for new opportunities to contribute to the development of talent within science, technology, engineering and mathematics. For more information click on STEM Programs.

Staying Connected