Naval Sea Systems Command

Economic Impact

The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport is one of the two divisions of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC). Its mission is to support NUWC by providing research, development, test evaluation, engineering and fleet support for submarines, autonomous underwater systems, undersea offensive and defensive weapon systems and countermeasures associated with undersea warfare.

NUWC Division Newport operates detachments at West Palm Beach, Florida, and Andros Island in the Bahamas. Remote test facilities are located at Seneca Lake and Fisher's Island in New York and Dodge Pond in Connecticut. The range on NUWC Division Newport's effort extends from participation in fundamental research to support of evolving operational capabilities in the fleet, with the major thrust being in applied research and system development.

NUWC Division Newport had a funded program of approximately $961 million in 2015. Of a total of $463 million obligated in contracts throughout the year, more than $326 million was awarded to private contractors in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, mostly for engineering services. NUWC Division Newport is a major contributor to the economy of Southern New England, with approximately $284 million distributed in the form of salaries to 2,960 civilian employees and attached military personnel. Of the total contracted work-years executed during fiscal year 2015, approximately 2,392 were performed by companies located in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

Click here to view the 2015 Economic Impact Brochure.
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