Naval Sea Systems Command

Faculty Summer Internships

NSWC Carderock Division is a regular participant in the Office of Naval Research (ONR) sponsored Summer Faculty Research Program.

This program provides an opportunity for faculty members to participate with engineers and scientists at NSWC Carderock Division in research of mutual interest. The visiting faculty members are able to take the experience of working with NSWC Carderock Division engineers and scientists in a professional environment back to their home institutions at the end of the program.

The Summer Faculty Research Program begins each May and runs for 10 weeks. The three levels of appointments are Summer Faculty Fellow, Senior Summer Faculty Fellow and Distinguished Summer Faculty Fellow.

Faculty members must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents who hold teaching or research appointments at a U.S. college and university.

Faculty members from Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Minority Institutions, American Indian Tribal Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions, as designated by the U.S. Department of Education, are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications for the ONR Summer Faculty Research Program typically open at the beginning of each September and close in early December.

NSWC Carderock Division is notified by ONR of the faculty interested in doing their appointment at Carderock facilities in January. From there, NSWC coordinators begin the process of pairing faculty with a Carderock scientist and engineer in a similar field of interest. Faculty selected by NSWC Carderock Division are notified by early February.

Contact Information
Submit applications through ONR's website at:

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