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Environmental Advisory Board

Environmental Advisory Board

The Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) was created by the Chief of Engineers, Lieutenant General Frederick J. Clarke in 1970, as a means for the Chief to gain outside, expert and independent advice on environmental issues facing the Corps of Engineers. Over the years, this Board has served the Corps of Engineers well.  We intend to not only continue this process, but to also use the Board as a vehicle of communication to reach out and build partnerships, understandings and cooperation with the environmental community, and public at large.  Environmental concerns have never been more important.   We see the Environmental Advisory Board playing a key role in contributing to enhanced mutual understanding and confidence between the Corps and both the general public and the conservation community. 

Meetings:  Usually one or two meetings per year.  Meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). All meetings are announced in the Federal Register as required by FACA. Click here for information on the next meeting and for the minutes of recent meetings.

Charter Purpose:  Advise Chief of Engineers by providing independent advice and recommendations on matters relating to environmental issues facing the Corps of Engineers.  Charter is renewed every two years.  Current charter is effective until June 5, 2016.  Click here for the current Charter.

Membership:  5-10 members.  Selected members are eminent authorities in the field of natural (e.g. biological, ecological), social (e.g. anthropologist, community planner), and related sciences. Multidisciplinary, with an equitable distribution of fields of interest as well as geographical location. Click here for current membership and biographies. (updated May 2015)

Key Correspondences:

Environmental Advisory Board Working Papers: