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eMASS Architecture Overview

eMASS is a web-based system hosted on the DISA Defense Enterprise Computing Center (DECC) located in Columbus, Ohio. This architecture allows partitioned instances of the application to be created for multiple organizations, while reducing enterprise maintenance costs and centralizing hosting for the enterprise. eMASS is deployed on both the NIPRNet and SIPRNet at the DISA DECC.

Because of the enterprise deployment of eMASS at the DISA DECC, no local software or
hardware is required for the receiving organization to operate eMASS.

eMASS Capacity Approval Process

Organizations interested in deploying an eMASS implementation must first coordinate this deployment with the appropriate Military Department, Combatant Commanders, Defense Agency or Defense Field Agency Chief Information Officer (CIO) (e.g., DON-CIO, Navy CIO, Marine Corps CIO, Army CIO/G6 , Office of Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer, SAF/XC, CJCS/J6, OSD-CIO, etc.) – reference DoDD 8000.1 (Management of DoD Information Resources and Information Technology) and DoDD 8115.01 (Information Technology Portfolio Management).

DoD Component CIOs endorsing the proposed eMASS deployment should acknowledge their support for the requested deployments by sending a signed letter to the DoD(CIO) point of contact (POC), Kevin Dulany. The letter should include a statement indicating CIO approval for the organization’s eMASS use, and should identify an organizational POC for further discussions regarding eMASS procurement and deployment planning (sample letter available here).

This endorsement supports IT portfolio management and is not intended as a substitute for system certification and accreditation authority and processes.

When the approval process is successfully completed, the requesting Command/Service/Agency will be contacted via the point of contact indicated on the CIO approval letter to begin the planning and coordination process.