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TRICARE Standard Overseas

TRICARE Standard Overseas provides comprehensive coverage in all overseas areas.

Who Can Participate?

How it Works

  • Schedule an appointment with any overseas provider.
  • Referrals not required 
  • You may need prior authorization for some types of services.
  • You won't receive a TRICARE wallet card, all you need is your military ID as proof of coverage.

What You Pay

Costs vary based on the sponsor's military status. You'll pay:

  • An annual outpatient deductible
  • Cost shares (or percentage) for covered services

>>View TRICARE Standard Overseas Costs

Is TRICARE Standard Overseas Right for You?

TRICARE Standard Overseas may be your only option when you live overseas. You can also purchase other health insuranceHealth insurance you have in addition to TRICARE, such as Medicare or an employer-sponsored health insurance. TRICARE supplements don’t qualify as "other health insurance.".

Is your sponsor on active duty? You can enroll in TRICARE Prime Overseas or TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas. 

Last Updated 2/11/2016

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