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State of the Coast Guard 2015
The Coast Guard was active on all seven continents from the polar ice caps to the Persian Gulf
Safety: We honored our 225-year lifesaving legacy
Security: We remained an indispensable instrument of National Security
Stewardship: And we safeguarded the lifeblood of our Nation's economy
The Coast Guard will continue to meet the demands of a complex, diverse and rapidly changing world
8 out of the 10 most violent nations in the world are in our hemisphere
Nearly 50 million barrels of oil transited the Mississippi River in 2014
From 2008 to 2012, traffic through the bearing strait increased 118 percent
Operations today are intelligence-based, high-tech, and fast-moving
In an austere budget environment, the USCG is a smart choice with a tremendous return on investment
Our extraordinary people deserve America's investment in a 21st century Coast Guard
Read more about the Coast Guard’s efforts to combat transnational organized crime networks Read more about the Coast Guard’s efforts to ensure safety and security on America’s waterways Read more about the Coast Guard’s vision for adapting to the Polar Regions Hear from the Commandant about the Coast Guard's efforts to eliminate sexual assault Read about Coast Guard's efforts to build an adpaptable, proficient and diverse workforce Read More on the Coast Guard's budget priorities for our people and platforms

The U.S. Coast Guard is vital to our Nation's security and prosperity. The maritime domain is complex and the challenges and threats in our operational environment have never been greater.

Build the 21st Century Coast Guard
Through affordable investments such as the Offshore Patrol Cutter and a diverse specialized workforce.
Defeat Transnational Organized Crime
Through intelligence-based operations, persistent offshore presence and unity of effort.
Safeguard Maritime Commerce
Through enhanced workforce expertise focusing on cyber threat awareness, cybersecurity and energy sector trends.
Operate in the Polar Regions
Through assured access in the Arctic and Antarctic to meet national objectives.
Maximize Return on Investment
Through mission performance underpinned by efficient, accountable business processes and a clean financial audit.
Drive Out Sexual Assault
Through a culture of respect inhospitable to sexual assault, sexual harassment and enabling behaviors.

See live tweets from the #USCG2015 address

Watch the full State of the Coast Guard Address

Read Adm. Zukunft's remarks at the 2015 State of the Coast Guard Address

Find out more about where the Service is headed in 2015

Explore the Coast Guard's investment priorities in the 2016 Budget in Brief

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