DTSA International Security Directorate

Kazakhstan's international delegation is received by DTSA officials during a reciprocal security visit

Within DTSA, the International Security Directorate carries out the responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense for U. S. national policy governing the disclosure of classified military information and material to foreign governments and international organizations; for DoD liaison with foreign government officials; for security policies and arrangements for government and commercial international programs; for the development and negotiation of security arrangements with allied and other friendly governments; for U. S. implementation of security regulations of NATO; for the development of U.S. positions on NATO Security Agreements with Partnership for Peace countries; and the development of U.S. position on NATO security issues.

  • Formulating, coordinating and publishing the National Disclosure Policy (NDP-1)
  • Operating and providing administrative support for the interagency National Disclosure Policy Committee (NDPC)
  • Developing and negotiating general and industrial security agreements with allied and other friendly nations
  • Conducting on-site evaluations of foreign government security laws, policies and practices
  • Drafting, coordinating and promulgating DoD policies and procedures governing the conduct of programs that involve the foreign release or sharing of classified military information and material (e.g. foreign visitors, personnel exchanges)
  • Providing policy advice and guidance to DoD Components on the security aspects of security assistance, arms cooperation and other international programs
  • Developing and negotiating special security provisions for international programs to include cooperative R&D, security assistance, and reciprocal procurement
  • Providing interface between DoD and security officials of allied and other friendly nations on issues of mutual concern
  • Representing DoD security interests at international meetings and conferences
  • Developing and providing policy advice on sections of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) that deal with security and the export of classified defense articles and technical data
  • Developing international security aspects of industrial security policy
  • Implementing policies and procedures for the protection of NATO classified information in the U.S. Government
  • Representing the United States at NATO Security Committee meeting and on NATO working groups
  • Exercising policy and operational control over the Central United States Registry
  • Providing policy guidance and oversight to the Military Services, Defense Systems Management College (DSMC), the Defense Security Service (DSS), and the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM) on training courses pertaining to foreign disclosure and international security
  • Co-chairing the U.S.-Canada Security and Technology Sharing Subcommittee
  • Representing the U.S. at the Multinational Industrial Security Working Group

Leadership and Expertise for Global Security

International trade routes intersecting with a map of the United States

The world is now more interconnected, creating formidable strategic challenges. DTSA engages international Allies and partners to ensure they understand the imperative of protecting critical information and advanced technologies.

Contact Info

  • International Security Directorate
  • Phone: 571-372-2564
