Chemical Biological Integration (CBI)

The Chemical Biological Integration (CBI) Division of the Directorate of Program Integration (DPI) coordinates programs and initiatives that impact the entire Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) workforce as it carries out the Center's mission on a daily basis, including the people, the operations, the logistics and the infrastructure.

The Division's mission is leading the integration and execution of comprehensive and dynamic global CB missions with a diverse workforce and monitoring world class solutions for our warfighters and homeland with cutting edge technologies in a safe, secure and environmentally sound manner. Two key functions included in the Division are Risk Management and Training:

Risk Management

Provides comprehensive life cycle environmental, safety and health services in support of chemical/biological operations:

  • Hazard analyses/risk assessments/development of standard operating procedures
  • Environmental impact/pollution prevention
  • Opportunity assessments
  • Physical security assessments
  • Air monitoring strategies for CB agents and industrial compounds
  • Field testing and certification of engineering control systems
  • Environmental, safety and health field inspections


Conducts comprehensive training programs in the following areas:

  • Chemical and biological agents
  • Chemical and biological agents effects
  • Detection, indentification and monitoring equipment
  • Potential scenarios
  • Decontamination methods and techniques
  • General industrial safety (Toxic Industrial Chemicals/Materials)

Practical Exercises that focus on the following:

  • Render Safe Procedures
  • Sample acquisition
  • Personal protective equipment selection and use