ECBC Engineering Designs CB Solutions








Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) Engineering designs its products to protect Warfighters and First Responders. The ECBC Advanced Design and Manufacturing (ADM) facilities provide customers with comprehensive design, analysis and prototyping services. Our design and prototyping facilities and personnel are dedicated to the cradle-to-grave development and support of Chemical Biological (CB) defense products.

ECBC Engineering integrated teams design for lifecycle engineering support, ensuring the accuracy of technical data (e.g., drawings, specifications and technical manuals). In addition, Engineering personnel redesign fielded items to meet new technical and operational challenges. Integrated design teams address all aspects of systems engineering to include maintainability, reliability and supportability.

ECBC Engineering specializes in rapid product development and accelerated evolution of fielded items to meet new technical and operational challenges.


Advanced Design and Manufacturing


Advanced Technologies Program Management


Acquisition Program Management


Acquisition Program Support