CAS – Cost Accounting Standards

Federal laws that certain contractors and subcontractors must follow when they enter into government contracts.

The CAS coverage, administration, and standards can be found in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations under Chapter 99, TITLE 48-Federal Acquisition Regulations System, “Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget.” The primary information will be found in Chapter 99, Subchapter B, which contains the following sections:

  • Contract Coverage
  • Cost Accounting Standards
  • Cost Accounting Standards for Educational Institutions

Disclosure Statement Form, CASB DS – 1 – If required, contractors and subcontractors must use this form to disclose in writing their cost accounting practices.

Disclosure Statement Form, CASB DS – 2 – If required, educational Institutions must disclose in writing their cost accounting practices.