• Soldier uses MC4 system Specialist Peter Valencia works on a semi-ruggedized Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) system during the most recent Multi-Service Operational Test and Evaluation (MOT&E) hosted by MC4 to put a new iteration of software through its paces before being fielded to deployed units.
  • Soldier uses MC4 system MC4 conducted a service acceptance test (SAT) to evaluate the next iteration of the Army's electronic medical record system. Updates to the Defense Health Information Medical Systems (DHIMS) TMIP-J capabilities were evaluated by Soldiers who would be using the applications as part of the EMR system.
MC4 is a (semi-) ruggedized system-of-systems containing medical software packages fielded to operational medical forces worldwide. The system is comprised of joint software, commercial and government-off-the-shelf products including Theater Medical Information Program-Joint (TMIP-J) applications provided by Defense Health Clinical Systems (DHCS), formerly Defense Health Information Management System (DHIMS). The TMIP-J applications include software for EMR documentation, a web-based application that serves as a deployed EMR repository and a web-based application for conducting battlefield surveillance. Although the MC4 program doesn't create the software, the MC4 program does provide the tools needed to digitally record and transfer critical medical data from the foxhole to medical treatment facilities around the world. With more than a decade of experience managing the Army's deployable medical recording system, MC4 remains the most widely-used, comprehensive information management medical system on the battlefield.