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AARP Foundation Experience Corps is looking for adults 50 years and older interested in tutoring K-3 students who are struggling to read.

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AARP Foundation Experience Corps

Fourth-graders who can’t read at grade-level are four times less likely to graduate from high school. AARP Foundation Experience Corps is an intergenerational volunteer-based tutoring program that is proven to help children who aren’t reading at grade level become great readers by the end of third grade. We inspire and empower adults age 50 and older to serve in their community and disrupt the cycle of poverty by making a lasting difference in the lives of America’s most vulnerable children.


Experience Corps has nearly 2,000 highly-trained volunteers working in 21 cities and serves over 30,000 students every year in high-need elementary schools. Each AARP Foundation Experience Corps site operates one of three tutoring models: one to one; small group; and literacy assistance (where volunteers tutor and help teachers with classroom-wide activities).

Studies show that Experience Corps works. After one year, many students who work with Experience Corps volunteer tutors achieve as much as 60% improvement in critical literacy skills compared to their peers. Volunteers provide an average of 6-15 hours of support each week throughout the school year.


The Experience Corps approach is simple, but effective. As an anti-poverty strategy, AARP Foundation Experience Corps is helping to provide both older adults and children with opportunities to enrich their lives through literacy.

Americorps National
service network


AARP Foundation Experience Corps is pleased to be a part of the AmeriCorps national service network as well as the winner of the 2011 Service Impact Award. Each year, AmeriCorps supports the engagement of nearly 75,000 Americans in service to meet critical needs in education, the environment, public safety, homeland security, and other areas.

Since 1994, nearly 500,000 AmeriCorps members have served with thousands of nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and faith-based organizations nationwide. To learn more about AmeriCorps, visit or call 800-942-2677.