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The Washington Post
Campaign 2016
On the surface, the Republican nominee is surprisingly close to Hillary Clinton in the Washington Post-ABC News survey: He trails by just four points. But he is actually in a particularly poor position to expand his support.
The Democratic presidential nominee is ahead in nearly all key battlegrounds and competitive in some traditionally red states. Will she try for a landslide or stick to the plan?
The Republican nominee is determined to rouse his most fervent supporters with dire warnings, gambling that igniting his army of working-class whites could do more to put him in contention than any sort of tempered appeal to undecided voters.
The age of Trump has complicated a rite of passage for many young conservatives, splitting college Republican clubs nationwide and turning those willing to stand up for Trump into targets for criticism and ridicule.
By sunrise, hundreds of Kurdish soldiers, known as peshmerga, were advancing in gun trucks and armored vehicles. But their movement was slowed by booby traps and roadside bombs, officers said.
The shared historical experiences of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya have left them at risk of violent collapse.
An incalculable amount of animal waste was carried toward the ocean and it could be contaminating the groundwater for many people who rely on wells. The extent of the damage will not be known until environmental tests are conducted, but the conditions have renewed criticism of the state’s 2,100 hog farms.
  • 19 hours ago
The reformist Italian prime minister is young, charismatic and scrappy. And Obama is a fan.
A pickup truck plummeted 60 feet from an overpass, shattering a motorcycle festival. Attendees sprinted to the wreckage and lifted the battered truck to try to free the injured.
Campaign 2016
(The Post)
States that have no business being competitive — Missouri, Alaska, Utah, to name three — are suddenly within the margin of error in credible polls.
Sign up to have The Fix’s Aaron Blake text you the highlights of the final debate as it unfolds Wednesday night.
Glassdoor, the job search engine, analyzed more than 500,000 resumes and self-reported salaries to determine which majors pay the most during the first five years after graduation.
The museum launched a Kickstarter campaign — it's second ever — to raise money to repair the popular artifact. Last summer it raised almost $720,000 to conserve Neil Armstrong's spacesuit.
After the author mailed her friend her bridesmaid dress, she never heard from her again.
(Jason Aldag/The Washington Post)
The origins of pumpkin spice and how it became the flavor of fall
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After video of Trump’s lewd comments, Clinton up 4 points
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Redskins beat Eagles, 27-20, for fourth straight win
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The many faces behind SNL's Donald Trump
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NASA’s Mission Control at Johnson Space Center is one of America’s most iconic rooms. Through 360-degree video, come step inside the historic Apollo-era room and the new flight control that may someday oversee a human journey to Mars.
Washington Post reporters and political experts preview the final 2016 presidential debate live from Las Vegas.
Who is Donald J. Trump? To discover the man in full, The Washington Post assembled a team of award-winning reporters and researchers to delve into every aspect of his improbable life. (Also available in hardcover.)
Explore the trove of original documents used in the development of The Post's biography about the Republican presidential nominee.