Sen. Patrick Leahy

Sen. Patrick Leahy


Washington, DC ·

  1. is setting the standard for outrageous, arrogant, out of touch conduct by the same Wall Street crowd that helped tank the economy

  2. The word ‘galling’ doesn’t begin to express the shamelessness of plotting to stick it to the same taxpayers who saved AIG from itself

  3. Under 1000s of women gain access to key preventive services such as breastfeeding assistance, HIV screenings & FDA-appr. contraceptives

  4. Starting today, new health care plans will cover several preventative health services w/o a co-pay or a deductible, thanks to the

  5. All should be treated as professionals, whether paid or volunteer. We count on them & they should be able to count on us

  6. had wide & deep support, but House leaders scotched bipartisan compromise. I’ll start the effort again in the 113th Congress, & soon.

  7. A disappointment and a travesty that House leaders blocked bipartisan Senate compromise. I’ll reintroduce a comprehensive bill soon.

  8. Looking forward to working w/ my gang of 18, aka the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Comprehensive Reform in coming months.

  9. I insisted on adding feed cost adjuster formula to cliff fix in the MILC pgm. We won, and Senate passed it this morning

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