How Does Your Brain Score? Take the Staying Sharp Brain Health Assessment


    Medicare Scams

    The War on Medicare Fraud

    Medicare loses $60 billion annually to con artists

    The New Strategy to Fight Medicare Fraud

    The man leading the federal battle against medical cons

    Video: Medicare Fraud Whistleblower

    Former employee witnessed medicare fraud and decided to stand up and tell authorities

    Scams & Fraud

    Don't Be Ambushed at the ATM

    'Skimming' devices let criminals steal your debit card data

    The Time-Share Trap

    There aren't many good options if you're stuck with an unwanted time-share

    AARP Fraud Watch Network

    Safeguard your financial future from fraud and scammers

    Your Membership

    Today's Hot Deals

    Identify Theft

    Quiz: Are You Savvy About Wi-Fi Security?

    Public wireless internet could lead to unintentional over-sharing. Take this quiz to see if you avoid giving out personal information when logging online

    Protect Your Personal Data

    Protect your personal information to reduce credit card fraud and identity theft with these smart practices

    Top Phishing Scams on Social Media

    Fraud expert Sid Kirchheimer shares the top five scams that are popping up on social media

    Customer Service

    7 Things You Should Always Say to Customer Service

    If you've had a bad experience with customer service, you know it's easy to get angry. Here's a calmer way to resolve consumer issues

    7 Things You Should Never Say to Customer Service

    What words or phrases will make a customer service representative your immediate enemy? Ron Burley has seven answers

    Selling Older Consumers Short

    Boomers spend — and change brands. So why do so many advertisers ignore them completely?

    Consumer Tips

    10 Places to Ask for a Senior Discount

    Shopping on certain days or asking for a price break can save you money

    The Best Ways to Spend $200

    Here are seven ways you can spend money and maximize your savings at the same time

    When a Stranger Calls With a Great Investment Opportunity

    Apply common sense to check the accuracy in 30 seconds or less

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