Grant Broadhurst -

Grant Broadhurst is a summer 2016 Journalism Intern for

Here’s why the autonomous vehicle industry needs lobbyists already

By   /  July 26, 2016  /  Michigan, National, News, Regulations, Technology, Transportation  /  No Comments

CROSSROADS: One of M-City's many intersections where autonomous vehicles learn how to drive better.

ou can’t buy an autonomous vehicle yet, but the fledgling industry has already begun lobbying the government, which is eager to start regulating.

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Sorting out Tennessee’s new liquor laws

By   /  July 25, 2016  /  News, Regulations, Tennessee  /  No Comments

WINE IN SUPERMARKETS: It's legal now in the state of Tennessee, but Tennessee still has a strange mixture of protectionist laws.

You can now buy wine in Tennessee grocery stores, but the state still has a complicated set of laws regulating the sale of alcohol products.

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Nanny State of the Week: Common sense goes to the dogs in Phoenix

By   /  July 25, 2016  /  Arizona, Nanny State of the Week, News, Regulations  /  No Comments

Bo, an Australian Shepherd dog belonging to Kim Leeds, walks on cement in Phoenix wearing special booties made for dogs on Sunday, June 19, 2016. According to the National Weather Service, the high temperature in Phoenix has already surpassed the previous record for June 19 set in 1968 of 115 degrees. (Kim Leeds via AP)

Phoenix wants you to be smarter about walking your dog in extreme heat. Kind of. Sort of. The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Board voted late last month to ban hikers from taking their dogs on city trails in temperatures over 100 degrees. In the average year, highs in Phoenix surpass 100 degrees on 107 days […]

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Want to cut regulations? Cut regulators

By   /  July 22, 2016  /  Federal Government, News, Regulations  /  No Comments

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More funding for a regulatory agency, more regulations? Almost always. More regulators, more regulations? Even more likely. A new study by researchers at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University shows that the correlation between employment and new regulations is a bit higher than the correlation between agency budgets and new regulations – though not by a lot. And […]

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Autonomous vehicle guidelines won’t go through federal rulemaking process

By   /  June 30, 2016  /  Watchdog Arena  /  No Comments

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Guidelines for autonomous vehicles will be released this summer after internal review, Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx said Wednesday.

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Toyota invests in autonomous vehicles amid regulatory uncertainty

By   /  June 28, 2016  /  Watchdog Arena  /  No Comments

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The federal government is preparing to release guidelines for driverless cars as more automakers and tech companies are joining the fray to develop the best autonomous vehicles.

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