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College For All Texans

Your future starts here!

Good News


Here's everything you need to plan for college.

Congratulations. You've taken an important first step toward a college career in Texas. By visiting this website, you’re just a few clicks from everything you need to select the Texas university, college, junior college or technical school that’s best for you. And you’ll find tools here that will help you plan everything in detail. You can even fill out an application for the college you choose and apply for financial aid. So relax, take a deep breath, and get started. Good luck!


  "How I made my college dreams come true" by Joana

I was born in Guanajuato, Mexico, and came with my family to the U.S. nine years ago. When I entered high school, everything was pretty hard, because it was all new. I am the first person in my family to go to high school, and I had never heard of homecoming, prom or TAKS. Through it all, my dad has been a huge example for me, because he learned how to read and write in Spanish by himself. He always appreciated education.

Because of my dad’s example, I knew that I wanted to go to college. My family could not help me pay for it, so I looked for help from people at my high school. All I heard was "just try to finish high school; college isn't for everyone." I just told myself I could do it and that my family would always be there for me. So I applied to colleges despite all the obstacles I faced. Now I am in my first semester at Austin Community College and planning to be a nurse. It's such a great feeling!

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We're here to help guide you through the financial aid process.
Give us a call at 1-888-311-8881.

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