Joint Workshop on Mobile and Web Technologies in Social and Economic Development Report Available

W3C together with the Web Foundation today published the report from the W3C/Web Foundation Workshop on Mobile and Web Technologies in Social and Economic Development held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in June. The large and diverse group representing more than 30 different nationalities had engaging discussions on voice-based services for underprivileged communities, mobile entrepreneurship and data collection tools. The results of these discussions, as well as the actions identified will be investigated by the W3C Mobile Web for Social Development Interest Group and the Web Foundation.

W3C and the Web Foundation thanks the participants and appreciates the support of the Workshop sponsors: Spider (Gold Sponsor), Twaweza (Gold Sponsor) and Comviva (silver sponsor).

Fourth Workshop on Mobile and Web Technologies For Social and Economic Development

I realized i forgot to announce the organization of the fourth workshop on Mobile and Web Technologies for Social and Economic Development.

This event will take place in Dar es Salam, Tanzania, 4-5 June 2011. This event is co-organized by W3C and the Web Foundation. A call for participation has been issued last February, and submission of statements of interest is open till April 15 2011.

Like for the three previous instances, we also have a call for sponsors in order to offer travel grants to enable NGOs and field experts to attend and share their experience. If you are interested, feel free to contact Stephane Boyera.