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ListPlex Maestro Disaster Recovery Service

Disaster Recovery Service

The disaster recovery service is available as an additional option for ListPlex Maestro customers who desire the highest level of reliability and availability. The service provides a mirrored backup hosting node, which is made available for mailings in the event of a service interruption – for example, a power failure due to a storm or other emergency – at the primary hosting site, allowing you to continue your jobs during the outage while minimizing the risk for data loss.

How the Service Works

  • The standby hosting node runs parallel with your primary node at a separate data center
  • Nightly backups from the primary to the standby node keep your data automatically synchronized
  • In the event of a disruption at the primary hosting location, the customer is notified and the standby node is activated
  • All mailings and data collected during the outage are copied back to the primary node once service is restored

Service Pricing

  • $750 one-time setup fee
  • $1,000 annual service fee ($1,500 with data hosting)

The regular ListPlex Maestro delivery charges apply when sending jobs through the standby node. For technical details or to set up your ListPlex Maestro disaster recovery service, contact us at

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