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EASE Service Options and Pricing

Service Options and Pricing

L-Soft's solutions are tailored to your individual needs. For more detailed pricing information, or to request prices in your currency, please contact us so that our sales team can help you determine the optimal email list solution and its corresponding price.

EASE Pricing

There is a one-time setup fee per list. The recurring charges consist of an annual service charge and delivery charges based on the number of attempted deliveries.

The EASE service includes technical support and our integrated F-Secure Anti-Virus system, which protects your email lists from harmful computer viruses.


One-Time Setup Fee




Annual Service Charge




Quarterly Delivery Charges

Price / 1000 Attempted Deliveries



The prices are in U.S. Dollars and are valid only in the United States and Canada. For prices in other countries, please contact our sales department. Prices and conditions are subject to change without notice.

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