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What's behind our steam mop Ratings?

Experts at our National Testing and Research Center tested 8 models in steam mops to see which ones perform best.
We look for:
  • Overall score
    Overall score is based on each steam-mop's ability to clean up hardened soils, the length of time it could continuously steam (until the water ran out), it’s convenience, and a check of the residual water the model left on various floors.
  • Vinyl-floor cleaning
    Comparative performance cleaning an array of everyday food soils.
  • Time steaming
    Comparative length of time unit can continuosly steam.
  • Residual water left on floor
    Comparative amount of water left on wood floors.
  • Convenience
    Comparative use tests, comfort and convenience.
  • Cord length
    Length of cord in feet.



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Recommended steam mops

Recommended steam mops are standout choices with high scores. They include CR Best Buys, which offer exceptional value. When narrowing your choices, weigh features, price, and attributes that matter to you.
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Steam mops can be convenient with no squeegee to squeeze and no bucket of water to fill. To find out if steam mops are better at cleaning floors we coated vinyl flooring with spilled food and sticky stuff. Some steam mops were better than others at mopping up the mess. If you're looking for information about steam mops, Consumer Reports is your best resource. Consumer Reports’ steam mop reviews will give you honest buying advice that you can trust. Use our steam mop buying guide to discover which features are most important to consider. We also provide unbiased Ratings and steam mop reviews to help you choose the best steam mop for your needs.

Steam mop buying guide

You might expect a steam mop to be more convenient than an ordinary squeeze mop, with no squeegee to squeeze and no pail of water to deal with. You might also expect the steam to loosen dried food spills effectively, and perhaps even sanitize floors and other surfaces. But not all of these expectations matched the reality when we last tested these products.

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