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Ad Age on Campus

Ad Age on Campus brings our full range of Ad Age news and data, used by leading marketing and advertising professionals every day, to the students and professors through an easy to access and comprehensive discounted subscription program.

The Ad Age on Campus program is customized to meet the needs of students, professors and librarians alike.

Choose the Ad Age Campus Program
that is right for you.

Individual Subscription

Get unlimited access to professional quality information and the resources you need to excel in your course of study in advertising, marketing, media and PR.

Subscriptions include:
  • Ad Age Digital. Access adage.com, digital editions and our App for iPad.
  • Ad Age Datacenter. A treasure trove of information including ad spend of top companies, agency rosters and exclusive listings of top marketers, top agencies, market analysis and history of brands and advertising.
  • Creativity (Creativity-online.com). Access to the most comprehensive global database of innovative works and breakthrough creative ideas from today’s luminaries.
  • Free access to tips and advice about launching a successful career by HR and Recruiters
  • First Steps, a collection of blog posts by young professionals offering practical insights and advice on their first years in the industry
  • A glossary of advertising terms

If you are using a textbook that includes Ad Age on Campus access, enter the code included in the card in your book and start your subscription.

* An .edu email address is required.
Offer valid in the U.S. only;

  • Annual Rate
  • $79.99*
  • 6-Month Rate
  • $59.99*
*Standard Professional Price: $607.95


If you are using a textbook that includes Ad Age on Campus access, enter the code included in the card in your book and start your subscription.

Subscriptions include:
  • Ad Age Print & Digital. Get breaking news, in-depth analysis, access to weekly columns and e-newsletters.
  • Ad Age Datacenter. A treasure trove of information including ad spend of top companies, agency rosters and exclusive listings of top marketers, top agencies, market analysis and history of brands and advertising.
  • Creativity (Creativity-online.com). Access to the most comprehensive global database of innovative works and breakthrough creative ideas from today’s luminaries.

* An .edu email address is required.
Offer valid in the U.S. only;

  • Annual Rate
  • $79.99*
  • 6-Month Rate
  • $59.99*

Sign up is easy. Use our custom calculator to find out the Group Rate for your Classroom.

*Standard Professional Price: $607.95

The Library Edition

Librarians and school administrators can provide across-the-board access to Ad Age content for all students. The university pays for this edition.

  • Low Cost
  • Campus-Wide Access Through IP Address
Features Include:
  • AdAge.com, Datacenter and Creativity Online
Enroll Here

Sign up is easy.

Email » adageoncampus@adage.com

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