
Spread the word with reprints of your firm's press coverage in Advertising Age. Reprints are a great way to promote your brand and build company morale.

Use reprints for:

  • Sales and marketing promotional pieces
  • Direct mail enclosures
  • Post to "News Section" of your website
  • Promote a new product
  • Send in an e-mail or e-newsletter

Reprint Options

Hard Copy

Customized reproductions of an article available in 4-color, 2-color or black & white. We can customize your reprint by highlighting text, adding a disclaimer or corporate logo.

Web Reprints

Web Reprints are licensed PDFs of the full text of an article with associated charts and graphics, and the publication's masthead at the top. You receive a license and a PDF to post to your website during a specified time frame.


Eprints are licensed PDFs of the full text of an article with associated charts and graphics and the publication's masthead at the top. You receive a license and a PDF to use as an attachment in an email.

Web Button

A web button is a licensed customized thumbnail image of your firm's rankings in a special report or mention in an article. Post to your website, use in email signatures or any electronic correspondence.

Plaques/Framed Reprints

Plaques and framed reprints are a great way to display your firm's accolades.


Black or Rosewood frame • Black Matte
Please call for pricing details and sizes.


Logo • Magnify
Add your firm logo to your reprint (additional fees apply)
Magnify your firm's mention or ranking (additional fees apply)

Additional Information

  • Prices are available for larger quantities not listed.
  • Additional fees for photos, logos and disclaimers.
  • Shipping charges are additional. All reprints are shipped via Federal Express Saver unless otherwise instructed.


Reprints are copyrighted by Crain Communications, Inc. Reprints may not be used in a manner implying that Crain Communications or any of its publications endorse, sponsor, or maintain any other relationship with any company, organization or service. Reprints may not be marked, altered, edited or self-reproduced in any way, and are not for resale. Reprinted articles are prepared in their entirety.


A $150 charge to cancel order prior to printing; orders canceled after printing will be billed at the full rate.

Reprint orders shipped to the following states are subject to sales tax: NY, MI, IL, CA, OH, CO, DC, MA

For more information contact

Laura Picariello
Reprint Sales Manager