What's behind our mattress Ratings?

Experts at our National Testing and Research Center tested 58 models in mattresses to see which ones perform best.
We look for:
  • Overall score
    Based mainly on side and back support, durability, and stability; displayed score is out of a total of 100 points.
  • Side sleeping
    A measure of how well a mattress supports and maintains the horizontal alignment of the spine while you're lying on your side.
  • Back sleeping
    A measure of how well a mattress supports and maintains the spine's natural curve while you're lying on your back.
  • Durability
    Our analysis of how well a mattress maintains its original shape, height, firmness, and side/back sleeping support after 8 years of simulated use.
  • Stabilization
    A measure of how much vibration is transmitted across the mattress; for memory- and latex-foam mattresses, higher scores indicate ease of changing sleep position.
  • Claimed firmness
    The manufacturer's claimed firmness level.
  • Measured firmness
    Our own judgment, based on testing, of a mattress's firmness level.



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Recommended mattresses

Recommended mattresses are standout choices with high scores. They include CR Best Buys, which offer exceptional value. When narrowing your choices, weigh features, price, and attributes that matter to you.
  • Buying Guide
  • Ratings
With so many mattresses to choose from, what’s the best way to tell that you’re buying the right one? Consumer Reports has shopped in all kinds of stores, interviewed mattress manufacturers, polled readers about their mattress buying experiences, and recruited our staff to “test drive” mattresses. If you're looking for information about mattresses, Consumer Reports is your best resource. Use our mattress buying guide to help you choose the best mattress for your needs.

Mattress buying guide

You should think about buying a new mattress if you wake up tired or achy, you tend to sleep better at hotels than at home, your mattress looks saggy or lumpy, you're over 40, or your mattress is at least five to seven years old. Use this mattress guide to help with your purchase.

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