Michael Hiltzik

Michael Hiltzik Columnist
The 'Brexit' crisis from the ground up: Will Britain really leave the EU — and should it?

Nearly two weeks after a majority of Britons voted to split from the European Union, some consequences of  “Brexit” are becoming  clear.

Clear as mud.

All that has come into focus since the June 23 referendum are the issues that must be resolved, now that the people ostensibly have spoken. These boil down to two questions:  Will Britain leave the European Union? And should it?

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The Diablo Canyon deal marks the death of nuclear power in the U.S. — or does it?

What you heard the other day, when Pacific Gas & Electric and a group of environmental organizations and labor unions announced a plan to permanently shutter the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, was the sound of the door shutting on nuclear power in the United States.

Or was it?

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Billionaire Resnicks' Justin Vineyards bulldozes forest of old oaks, sparking uproar

The Wonderful Company, the corporate arm of Beverly Hills billionaires Stewart and Lynda Resnick, promotes itself incessantly as an exemplar of social responsibility and a guardian of sustainable agriculture. “As an agricultural company, we are deeply committed to protecting and conserving our natural resources,” it says right there on its website.

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Elon Musk's Tesla-SolarCity deal makes a lot of sense — but only for Elon Musk

Elon Musk finally found a way to turn his Wall Street fans into doubters.

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Senate Democrats turn up heat on Koch-'bankrolled' Social Security trustee, provoke floor fracas

The renomination of conservative Charles P. Blahous III as a Social Security public trustee, which has riled the program’s advocates, ran into another potential roadblock Tuesday.

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Obamacare update: Still succeeding, repeal fading

The graphic above embodies the latest good-news story connected with the Affordable Care Act. It shows how projections of U.S. healthcare spending growth have come sharply down since Obamacare’s enactment in 2010. The latest projections are $2.6 trillion lower than the original post-ACA baseline forecast through 2020 — a reduction in projected spending of almost 13%.

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