Mark WilsonПодлинная учетная запись


Senior Writer . Founder of the late . Person who posts pictures of food.

Chicago, IL
Дата регистрации: январь 2008 г.

@ctrlzee в чёрном списке

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  1. So is every outlet about to take back their "butter is great!" articles published this week?

  2. Wow another gem about Autopilot — how can anyone read this and admire ?

  3. "Autopilot" is am undelivered branding expectation that almost certainly makes non owners less safe on the road

  4. First they 3-d printed guns, now this, when will the madness stop

  5. This side project by two designers at Facebook is better than most main projects!

  6. Nice work from , woulda loved this for —though login flows are key, and paypal sucks at 'em

  7. Then I was all like, "Seriously though guys, my neck hurts. I don't think I'm cut out for this futuristic lifestyle"

  8. Then I was all like, "I'm so three thousand and eight, you so two thousand and late"

  9. I wrote this article in virtual reality, woooooo!!

  10. (other than why your pad thai was late last night)

  11. I'll be hosting a chat with for the tonight at — send me any questions you want answered!

  12. If we put half as much work into thesaurus keyboards as we did emoji keyboards we'd all be sesquipedalian

  13. I just ate half of GoT in one bite and it was delicious

  14. "The work itself isn't so bad... sometimes the customers are." on joining a fast food team.

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