
We're always looking for new voices and new ideas to add to the TED community. Through our Prize, Fellowship, TED-Ed lessons and TED Talks, we take those great ideas and help them grow — but they start with your suggestions. See all the ways to let us know about the most exciting, talented people in your network.

Each TED and TEDGlobal conference features more than 50 of the world's most innovative and influential speakers. At TED, we search year-round for presenters who will inform and inspire, surprise and delight. If you know someone who belongs on the TED stage, or if you belong there yourself, we want to hear from you! Please use our speaker recommendation form to tell us why this person would be well-suited to speak at TED. More about speaking at TED

Nominate a speaker

The TED Prize is awarded annually to an extraordinary individual with a bold and creative vision to spark global change. The TED Prize winner receives $1,000,000 — and support from the TED community’s wide range of expertise and resources — to make their dream become a reality. You can nominate a colleague, a mentor, a friend or yourself to execute a high-impact project.

Nominate for the TED Prize

Twice a year, the TED Fellows program opens applications to find a new class of outstanding thinkers and doers. We are looking for the next generation of innovators who have demonstrated remarkable accomplishment and potential to positively affect the world. Though we target innovators aged 21 to 40, we encourage anyone over 18 years old to apply.

Apply to be a Fellow

Do you have a meaningful story from your life that you can’t tell anyone — perhaps because it affects someone you love, your career or your role in a community? Consider nominating yourself for our new audio series, Sincerely X. In partnership with Audible, we’re looking to open and expand the world of spellbinding, perspective-shifting TED Talks through the intimacy of personal, anonymous stories.

We invite you to use this nomination form to share your story, and emphasize why anonymity is crucial in its telling.


A primary focus of TED-Ed is to provide high-quality lessons taught by exceptional educators. If you or someone you know is an engaging educator, classroom teacher or expert in a subject area, please nominate them through our educator nomination form.

Nominate an educator

The TED-Ed team is looking for excellent visualization artists who are interested in developing animations for our education videos on a freelance basis. If you are or know an animator interested in working with us, please let us know through our animator recommendation form.

Recommend an animator

If giving a traditional TED Talk isn’t your style, you may be excited to hear about The OpenTED Project — a new experimental initiative to uncover ideas in all forms. Through OpenTED we’re erasing the lines around what is and isn’t a “TED Talk” and soliciting ideas that come in any form capturable on video. This is your personal invitation to share your idea — be it grand and global, or individual and personal — with the world.

Submissions to OpenTED are currently closed.