Privacy policy

Pizza Hut Privacy Policy
About This Policy

This policy describes our privacy practices for the websites where it is posted. It also applies to our practices for our mobile phone and text programs.

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Information We Collect

Contact Information: For example, we might collect your name and street address. We might also collect your phone number or email address.

Payment Information: For example, we might collect your credit card information when you make a purchase.

Demographic Information: We might, for example, collect your age. We might also collect information about the food you like.

Other Information: For example, we collect IP addresses and user browsing behavior. We collect this and other information using the tracking tools described in this policy.

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How We Collect Information

We collect information directly from you. For example, when you register on a website, for a sweepstakes or for one of our programs. We also collect information if you leave comments or make contact requests.

We collect information from you passively. If you are on a mobile device and use a location based service, for example, then we will collect your location. We use common tracking tools like browser cookies to collect information passively. We may also use web beacons.

We collect information from third parties. For example, we might get information about you from one of our franchisees. This information might be combined with information we already have.

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How We Use Information

We use your information as is disclosed at the time we collect the information and in the following ways:

(1) To respond to your requests or inquiries. For example, we use your information to fulfill orders or prizes. We might also use your information to register you for a promotions or our website. From time to time, we may also use your information to process your employment application.

(2) To improve our products and services and for related business purposes. For example, we use information to understand our visitors and customers. This includes looking at website usage trends. We also use your information to make website and product improvements. We might also use your information to customize your experience with us. We may do these activities using the tracking tools described in this policy.

(3)For security purposes. For example, we might use information to protect our website or our company. We might also use information to protect our customers or our business partners.

(4)To promote Pizza Hut and our related companies. For example, unless we tell you otherwise, we might send you notices of special promotions, offers or solicitations. We might also notify you about new website features or product offerings. To manage your communications, follow the instructions in Your Choices, below.

(5)To communicate with you about your account or our relationship. For example, to notify you about changes to this Policy or our website Terms, to let you know about issues relating to your order or your relationship with us.

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Information Sharing
Can you limit?

We may share your information as follows:


With other Yum! Brands, Inc. companies and brands. Other companies and brands including KFC and Taco Bell. For a copy of their privacy policies, click on their names in this section.


If we think we have to in order to comply with the law. For example, we will disclose information to respond to a court order or subpoena. We may also disclose if a government agency or investigatory body requests.


In the event all or part of Pizza Hut transfers ownership. For example, if there is a merger, acquisition or similar event, we will share information with the new owner. We may also sell off all or part of our customer lists as part of an asset sale.


With our vendors. For example, we will share information with companies that help us deliver products and services. We also allow third parties like website hosting companies to collect information on our behalf.

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Your Choices

To stop receiving our promotional emails, you can follow the instructions in any individual promotional email you receive. When logged in, registered users can also change their options at the My Account page.

To stop receiving Pizza Hut text messages, text STOP to 749488. If you send an opt-out text message you will get a message back confirming that you are opted out. When logged in, registered users can change their options at the My Account page.

To opt out of having us share your information with third parties for their promotional purposes, you can follow the instructions in any individual promotional email you receive or when logged in, registered users can also change their options at the My Account page. If you accept an offer from one of our third-party marketing partners after you opt out, we will share your information with that specific party.

To manage how we -and our third party vendors- use cookies and other tracking tools, please click here.

You can choose whether or not to disclose personal information. Some parts of our sites and some services may be more difficult or impossible to use, though, if you choose not to share. If you turn of cookies or tracking tools parts of our site and services may also not function properly.

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More Questions?

Visit our Contact Us page, email us, call us at 972-338-7700, or write to us at the following address:

Pizza Hut, Inc.
7100 Corporate Drive
Plano, Texas 75024

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Our Sites and Children

To our knowledge, we do not collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. Other than our Book IT!® Program website, our sites are also not targeted to children. If you believe we have personally identifiable information about a child under 13, please email us at or call us at 972-338-7700. If you chose to write, please use the address listed above and mark your letter to the attention of "COPPA - Information Request."

Under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), you have the right to review and have any of your child’s information deleted (which you can do by contacting us as described here).You also have the right to refuse to permit further collection or use of your child’s information, also by contacting us as described here.

To learn more about how to protect your child online read the helpful information provided by the FTC, which includes this consumer education bulletin. Parents, although we do not collect personally identifiable information from children under 13, you should be aware that under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, if we did collect such information, we would be prohibited from conditioning a child’s participation in an activity on the child’s disclosure of more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in such activity.

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We use industry standard measures to protect personal information. We cannot guarantee that you will be completely secure, however. We recommend that you use caution when using the Internet or mobile devices.

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This Site may contain links to other websites that Pizza Hut may not own or operate. We cannot control and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personal information. This Policy only applies to the personal information collected on this Site.

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Updating Personal Information

If you are a registered user on our Site, you can review, correct, update or delete/deactivate your personal information. Log on to our Site and click on "My Account" to make changes.

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Policy Updates

This Policy was updated on April 17, 2012. We will post any changes on the Site's homepage. Check here for the most recent version of our policy. Where permitted by law, changes to our policy will be applied to information we already maintain.

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Effective as of April 17, 2012
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THE DELIVERY CHARGE IS NOT A DRIVER TIP. Product availability, combinability of discounts and specials, prices, participation, delivery areas and charges, and minimum purchase required for delivery may vary. Availability of WingStreet® products and flavors varies by Pizza Hut® location.

© Pizza Hut, Inc. All rights reserved. The Pizza Hut name, logos and related marks are trademarks of Pizza Hut, Inc.

The HERSHEY’S® and SPECIAL DARK® trademarks and trade dress are used under license from The Hershey Company. PEPSI, PEPSI-COLA, PEPSI MAX and the Pepsi Globe are registered trademarks of PepsiCo, Inc.

The App Store, iPad, and iPhone marks are trademarks of Apple, Inc. Twitter is a trademark of Twitter, Inc. Google and Android are trademarks of Google, Inc. Windows Phone is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Portions © QuikOrder, Inc. 1997- Patents 5,991,739; 6,801,228; Other Patents Pending Portions © IPDEV, Co. 1986- Used with Permission