“Hey Siri, what’s the best sushi place in town?”

“Hey Siri, who sings this song?”

“Hey Siri, what movies are playing today?”

“Hey Siri, when is sunset in Paris?”

“Hey Siri, play some jazz”

Talk to Siri as you would to a friend and it can help you get things done — like sending messages, placing calls, and making dinner reservations. You can ask Siri to show you the Orion constellation or to flip a coin. Siri works hands-free, so you can ask it to show you the best route home and what your ETA is while driving. It works with HomeKit to let your voice be the remote control for connected products in your home. And it’s tuned in to the world, working with Wikipedia, Yelp, Rotten Tomatoes, Shazam, and other online services to get you even more answers. The more you use Siri, the more you’ll realize how great it is. And just how much it can do for you.