Market neutral was the way to go after Brexit.

Strategies that employ offsetting bets to orient themselves not around market moves but the performance of investment factors such as momentum and dividend yield were major winners as markets buckled following the U.K. referendum.

While the continuing discussion on drug prices adds some uncertainty, a Brexit vote increases interest in the sector, due to its defensive characteristics.

M&A will be focused on smaller add-on deals, with cash remaining cheap amidst Brexit uncertainty.

‘IROs’ most important role during this kind of turbulent market is their market-monitoring role.

It will be more important to understand why certain investors are buying and selling your stock.

One investor group remains unruffled: venture capitalists.

This is partly because of the numbers and partly because of the nature of venture investing.

“Technology changes everything. That’s how we’re going to connect with the clients of 2020-2030.”

The rise of low cost products, smart beta strategies and robo-advisers that appeal to millennials will combine to reduce the number of asset management firms in coming years, but managers that can differentiate their offering and deliver alpha will be more highly valued.

Oil bulls could end up road kill following the Brexit ballot.

Crude tumbled as much as 6.8 percent June 24 after U.K. voters decided to leave the European Union.

10 percent.

According to Darren Williams, senior European economist at AllianceBernstein, a vote by Britain to leave the EU could make the pound 10 percent weaker.

The IPO market is losing its shine in 2016.

As IPO activity in 2016 continues to pale in comparison to previous years, what could the future hold for the market at large?

A potential merger between two of Abu Dhabi’s biggest banks may just be the start of consolidation in the industry.

In what would be the country’s first major banking merger in almost a decade, National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC and First Gulf Bank PJSC said on Sunday that they’re in talks on a potential deal.

More than 750 Bloomberg volunteers donated over 3,800 hours to transform a facility for homeless veterans.

In partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Bloomberg volunteers completely renovated the Old Rectory building, which is now fully occupied.

Home rents fell by 1.3 percent in May, the biggest drop since May 2014.

Residential rents in Dubai, where the majority of the population is foreign, declined the most on a monthly basis since the property peak of two years ago, according to Phidar Advisory.

The oil market just hit a yellow light.

Crude’s advance of more than 90 percent from a 12-year low earlier this year has U.S. shale producers starting to return to their drilling rigs, threatening to slow further gains.

Are the humans of finance an endangered species?

On Wall Street, the still-essential business of banking will go on—but maybe without as many suits.
Bloomberg Careers was live.

Fish tank Friday -- from our Park Avenue office in NYC.

The database industry is undergoing a number of changes.

These changes include greater demand for in-memory and NoSQL databases and a shift to a “pay-per-use” model.

The remainder of 2016 is likely to be challenging for South Africa’s economy.

After a 1Q contraction, the country’s real GDP growth should be negative this year.

Yes to ordering in. No to dining out.

Viewers typically watch the Olympics at home, which means most U.S. casual dining restaurants may have traffic and sales declines in 3Q, during the Summer Games.

Our new tech site is now live. See how we define, architect, build and deploy at Bloomberg.

Bloomberg Technology drives the worlds financial markets. Over 4,000 technologists define, architect, build and deploy complete systems to fulfill the needs of leading financial market participants globally.

China’s labor markets are flashing a warning sign.

China’s labor markets are flashing a warning sign, with manufacturing employment sliding and services doing little to pick up the slack.

Bye-bye bear market.

The four-year bear market that pushed commodities to the lowest level in a quarter century is coming to end as supply constraints drive a recovery in everything from soybeans to zinc.