This detail about Catelyn Stark and Jon Snow from the first “Game of Thrones” book will break your heart

July 5, 2016

This detail about Catelyn Stark and Jon Snow from the first “Game of Thrones” book will break your heart

This detail about Catelyn Stark and Jon Snow from the first “Game of Thrones” book will break your heart
This detail about Catelyn Stark and Jon Snow from the first “Game of Thrones” book will break your heart

**Major spoilers ahead.**

It seems like the saga of Jon Snow only grows deeper every day, and now we have some text from the first A Song of Ice and Fire book, “Game of Thrones” to help us dive deeper into that lore.

As you all know, Catelyn Stark was never a big ~fan~ of Jon Snow. Back in Season 3, Episode 2, “Dark Wings, Dark Words” a very-much-still-alive Catelyn Stark actually recounted a story to Robb’s wife Talisa about the time she wished (baby) Jon Snow would die.

catelyn stark gif
catelyn stark gif

catelyn stark gif
catelyn stark gif

Although when baby Jon Snow did get extremely sick (with “the pox”) she did feel prettttty guilty about it, “I knew I was the WORST woman that ever lived.”

catelyn stark gif
catelyn stark gif

She continued, “I was jealous of his mother…a woman I didn’t even know.



Well, Catelyn, as WE all know, you actually DID know said woman because Jon’s mother was officially revealed in the Season 6 finale to be Lyanna Stark (Ned, Catelyn’s husband’s) sister.

But what about that book passage?

Let’s take a look at this very eerie, and in retrospect, completely HEARTBREAKING passage from A Game of Thrones.

Whoever Jon’s mother had been, Ned must have loved her fiercely, for nothing Catelyn said
would persuade him to send the boy away. It was the one thing she could never forgive him. She
had come to love her husband with all her heart, but she had never found it in her to love Jon.


Fans of the book (and even the show) can now appreciate that this is in fact a totally true statement.

Before the big Season 6 finale reveal about R+L=J, naturally we ALL would’ve interpreted the above phrase to mean that Ned had the serious hots for some ~other lady~ than Catelyn. BUT IT’S SIMPLY NOT TRUE! That FIERCE LOVE was for his sister.

sad ned stark gif
sad ned stark gif

OH THE HEARTBREAK and the IRONY. GRRM will you stop messing with us??? Actually, nah, don’t stop, keep going…FOREVER AND EVER PLEASE! (Thanks!)

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