What do you think? (From 2014)

A panel of storytellers share their favorite tales, from the Bible to Charlotte's Web.
theatln.tc|By Kasia Cieplak-Mayr Von Baldegg

Seventy-eight percent of terrorism-related deaths in 2014, the latest year for which such data is available, took place in just five countries: Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria.

That nation, Iraq, is once again reeling from a bombing.
theatln.tc|By Uri Friedman

“We may have gone toe-to-toe, from coast to coast, but we stood shoulder-to-shoulder for the ideals that we share."

The president joined Hillary Clinton in Charlotte, North Carolina, Tuesday, singing her praises as a friend and former rival.
theatln.tc|By Nora Kelly

Clinton undoubtedly hopes to put these scandals behind her with the Democratic National Convention less than a month away. Yet both investigations have yielded results that Donald Trump, and other opponents, can seize on to reinforce the perception of many voters that Clinton is a corrupt politician who can’t be trusted.

Recent investigations provide her opponents with plenty of material for continued attacks.
theatln.tc|By Clare Foran

When the sun sets, communities come together for Iftar, the breaking of the fast. Now that the month has come to a close, Eid al-Fitr, or the festival of the breaking of the fast, begins.

As the holy month comes to a close, a look back at celebrations across the globe.
theatln.tc|By Emily Anne Epstein

Future generations of readers might look at letters with untrained eyes and find themselves unable to read the letters of Isamu Noguchi or John Singer Sargent. And yet, handwriting continues to prove its fluidity. The craft of handwriting has flourished online, especially on social media.

The personal letters of luminaries like Philip Guston, Dorothea Lange, and Robert Rauschenberg offer insight into their work as much as their lives.
theatln.tc|By Mary Savig

When we attempt to multitask, we don’t actually do more than one activity at once, but quickly switch between them. And this switching is exhausting. via Quartz

"Often what you really need in that moment isn’t caffeine, but just a break."
theatln.tc|By Olivia Goldhill

If journals, sketchbooks, letters, and scribbled-on napkins are venerated and kept for insights into great minds, there seems to be a case that tweets should be held onto, too.

Archivists are figuring out which pieces of artists’ digital lives to preserve alongside letters, sketchbooks, and scribbled-on napkins.
theatln.tc|By Sonia Weiser

The state had denied the group’s application, saying its“long-rooted history of civil disturbance would cause a significant public concern.”

The KKK has fought for years in court to be able to pick up litter along a highway segment in Georgia, as part of the state’s “Adopt-A-Highway” program.

Georgia’s highest court allowed a lawsuit by a KKK chapter to move forward, setting the stage for a trial.
theatlantic.com|By J. Weston Phippen

No wonder so many people think America needs to be made Great Again—the media/government are screwing with the tradition of fireworks now!

Not even the Fourth of July is exempt from the bickering.
theatln.tc|By Spencer Kornhaber

Democrats have asked Ryan for votes on two bills: one for universal background checks on all commercial gun sales, and another for “no-fly, no-buy” legislation, which would prevent individuals on terrorist watch lists from purchasing guns. Instead, members will be voting on a package of Republican-designed bills “to counter radicalization in the United States.”

In a series of speeches Tuesday from the floor, members condemned Republican-backed legislation on firearms that’s slated for a vote this week.
theatln.tc|By Nora Kelly

Many economists now believe that a default on the country’s debt—about $125 billion, $10 billion of which is due this year—or worse, an economic collapse, might be inevitable.

The country’s heavy reliance on oil exports has plunged it into hyperinflation and debt, making everyday life a struggle for many.
theatln.tc|By Gillian B. White

"There are ways to be a devoted wife and mother and a devoted CEO. In the church, we need to make space for women who feel called to both at the same time.”

An evangelical feminist argues that God intends every woman to work.
theatln.tc|By Jonathan Merritt

How will Jaime react to Cersei's reign of terror? via Rolling Stone

From Dany's destination to Arya's next victim, the 'GoT' answers we'll be searching for next season

It's as simple as saying: “I am excited.”

It takes three words.
theatln.tc|By Olga Khazan

Though the Tesla vehicle isn’t technically a driverless car, Autopilot is arguably the most sophisticated partially-autonomous system on the roads. But the possibility of a technical failure isn’t all that’s at stake. Because even if the driver is deemed to be at fault, the man’s death highlights the extent to which Tesla’s approach to driverlessness differs from Google’s.

A fatal crash calls into question the car company’s approach to building autonomous vehicles—and underscores the stark contrast between its strategy and Google’s.
theatln.tc|By Adrienne LaFrance

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has announced an end to its decades-old extortion tax.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia said the tax is no longer necessary in light of the upcoming peace deal with the Colombian government.
theatln.tc|By J. Weston Phippen

This week, the House is set to vote on an antiterrorism package put forward by Republicans. The proposal includes gun-control restrictions to bar people suspected of terrorist ties from purchasing firearms.

The chamber will pick up where it left off after Democrats staged a sit-in on the matter late last month.
theatln.tc|By Priscilla Alvarez

About 30 people with suspected ties to drug trafficking or robberies have been killed since Duterte took office June 30. He ran on a platform of cracking down on criminals, even telling the public to kill criminals themselves, and has taken a harsh line against corruption.

Dozens of criminals have been killed since Rodrigo Duterte took office, and on Tuesday he accused his police generals of corruption.
theatln.tc|By J. Weston Phippen


The FBI director said the agency had concluded its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private server on Tuesday.
theatln.tc|By Priscilla Alvarez