After graduating in the Top 10 percent of my class from DeSoto High School, I applied to nursing school. I was rejected because I didn’t have a social security number. I remember coming home so upset after hearing the news, and telling my parents. It was unbelievable that I couldn’t get a college education just because I wasn’t born here. I really wanted to go to school. What was I supposed to do now? My dad offered to send me to school in Mexico, but I didn’t want to leave my boyfriend Alan (now my husband).

I reached out to Ms. Haynes, a Spanish teacher at my high school. She took me to another school, and helped me apply. I was awarded a big scholarship that would pay for most of my school. My dad, being very protective, told me no. The school was too far away. I didn’t have a car, and he didn’t want to drive me every day. I got a job at McDonalds, and I was able to get a small car. My dad still said no.

Ms. Haynes then told me about UNT Dallas. It was really close to home. She said the campus was pretty, and it would be easy to get around. I visited, applied and was soon accepted. They didn’t have a nursing program, but the general business program looked promising. Alan followed a year later. Things were finally looking up.

UNT Dallas has been the perfect school for us. Students here are serious about finishing their degrees, and finding great jobs. We bring each other up. We’re a family. When one of us does well, it inspires the rest of us to do even better.

The road has been tough, but I’m very grateful Alan has always been by my side. We studied together, and we worked at a fast-food restaurant together until I got pregnant with our little girl. We worked together to find office jobs, and with the help of our family and the flexibility of my job, I didn’t have to drop out of school.

Now that we have a family to support, Alan and I realize we need to set a good example. After we graduate with bachelor’s degrees, we want to pursue M.B.A.’s so one day our daughter may be inspired to get a Doctorate. Being a parent in college has been one of the toughest thing we have encountered, but her smile keeps us going.

Updated: Monday, May 2, 2016 - 11:49am