Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists study all aspects of social life ranging from the intimate family to the urban metropolis; organized crime to deviance; from the divisions of race, class and gender to shared beliefs; and much more from the Sociology of health to the Sociology of religion. Sociologists understand social inequality, patterns of behavior, forces for social change and resistance, and how social systems work. Sociology is an exciting discipline with expanding opportunities for a wide range of career paths.

Description of the Field

Students will receive a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology degree. Students are required to obtain 120 credit hours for the undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree. A minor is NOT required, but recommended in Psychology or Human Services Management & Leadership (HSML). To obtain a minor, 18 credit hours are required.

Possible Employers

  • Communications
  • Social Services
  • Consulting
  • Criminal Justice
  • Drug and Alcohol Counseling
  • Sales
  • Education
  • Human Resources 
  • Educational Services
  • Human Services
  • Government
  • Health Care/Social Assistance
  • Research
  • Counseling, Psychology
  • Urban Planning
  • Public Administration
  • Non-profits

Possible Job Titles

  • Anthropologist
  • Archaeologist
  • Postsecondary Teacher
  • Social Worker
  • Psychologist
  • Sociologist
  • K-12 Teacher
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Epidemiologist
  • Dietician/Nutritionist
  • Police Officer
  • Correctional Officer
  • Area Outreach Worker
  • Data Analyst
  • Market Research
  • Housing Manager
  • Human Services Manager
  • Public Works Director
  • Adoption Agent
  • Advertising Assistant
  • Child Welfare Officer
  • Data Analyst
  • Fund-Raiser
  • Personnel Interviewer
  • Program Assistant
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Writer/Author
  • Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Speech-Language Pathologist
  • Training and Development Specialist
  • Social Science Research Assistant
  • Immigration and Customs Inspector
  • Employment Counselor/Interviewer
  • Health Care Product Development
  • Community Service Agency
  • Adult/Juvenile Probation Officer
  • Marketing Research Analyst
  • Probation/Corrections Officer
  • Educational, Vocational, or School Counselor*

Success Strategies

  • Earn a minor in business or supplement curriculum with courses in general business, accounting, and finance.
  • Gain business experience through part-time jobs, summer work, and internships.
  • Develop excellent computer skills.
  • Learn to use software applications such as spreadsheets, databases, and word processing.
  • Hone written and oral communication skills.
  • Join related professional associations.
  • Seek leadership roles in student organizations.
  • For human or social service positions, gain experience with a population of interest (i.e., children, college students, elderly adults) and develop multiculural understanding.
  • Talk with professionals working in areas of interest.
  • Spend Summers working at camps, YMCAs and other social service agencies
  • Learn a second language in order to increase marketability
  • Obtain certification/licensure to teach grades K-12
  • Learn how to use statistical software packages
  • Volunteer with emotionally and behaviorally troubled youth
  • Assist a professor on a research project
  • Develop a specialty such as aging, family, criminal justice, or healthcare

Online Resources

American Sociological Association’s Job Bank,
Community Career Center (Nonprofit Jobs),
Human Services Career Network,
Nonprofit Job Opportunities,
Social Service,
This website exclusively helps recent college graduates seeking entry-level employment.
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students,
researchers, and more!
Occupational Outlook
For hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:

  • the training and education needed
  • earnings
  • expected job prospects
  • what workers do on the job
  • working conditions

In addition, the Handbook gives you job search tips, links to information about the job market in each State, and more. You can also view frequently asked questions about the Handbook
Texas Workforce Solutions-
This is a service available to Texans with career and employment information.

Professional Associations

American Sociological Association-
International Sociological Association-

Updated: Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 2:11pm