About Librarian Positions and Rankings

Librarians are exempt employees under 29 U.S.C sec. 213 (FSLA) and are considered faculty equivalent State employees under Sec. 51.101 of the Texas Education Code.

An Annual Performance Agreement is negotiated by the librarian, the appropriate supervisor(s), and the Dean of Libraries. This agreement details the percentage of effort that the librarian will place on the primary assignment, scholarly and creative activities, and service for the coming year.

Librarians are also expected to maintain effective and productive working relationships with colleagues and to demonstrate the ability and desire to work as a member of a group while retaining all rights of individual expression.

Three (3) ranks are provided librarians to design their career paths to meet professional standards and the needs of the Libraries. Criteria for appointment, promotion, and merit awards include performance in the primary responsibilities (Area I), scholarly, creative, and professional activities (Area II), and service (Area III). In both the planning of the Annual Performance Agreement and the evaluation process, the criteria will be applied with increasing rigor at higher ranks.

Ranks for Librarians

Assistant Librarian

Assistant Librarian is the initial rank that normally lasts for a maximum of five (5) fiscal years. The first of the five (5) years is the probationary appointment, followed by four one-year appointments at the discretion of the University.  Assistant Librarians may apply for promotion to Associate Librarian in less than five (5) years, depending on either prior experience or other relevant considerations.

Probationary Assistant Librarian (formerly known as Librarian I):

During the probationary period, the Assistant Librarian must demonstrate the following:

  • Effective performance in the primary responsibilities (Area I), while becoming familiar with the operations of the Libraries and the University. The primary responsibilities may be administrative, technical or subject-specific, or a combination of each.
  • Potential for making scholarly, creative, and professional contributions to librarianship (Area II). 

Participation in service activities (Area III) is not required during the probationary period, but may be added to the Annual Performance Agreement if the opportunity arises.

Assistant Librarian (formerly known as Librarian II): Years 2 through 4

During the second through fourth years of employment, the Assistant Librarian will strive for the Associate Librarian qualifications and must demonstrate the following:

  • Effective performance in Area I while making satisfactory progress in learning primary responsibilities and performing these in an independent manner.
  • Beginning contributions to department, division, or library-level activities, usually through committee participation.
  • Progress in developing and maintaining professional and productive work relationships with colleagues and others.
  • Beginning involvement in scholarly, creative, and professional activities that lead to increased professional growth and benefit the profession, the Libraries, or the University.
  • Beginning involvement in service activities for the Libraries, the University, or the community.

The Assistant Librarian will have a mandatory meeting at the end of the 3rd year of employment with the Library-wide PAC to formulate a Promotion Plan. PAC should give specific advice in Areas II and III for the candidate to receive promotion. The PAC will provide a written copy of the Promotion Plan, which will be used in developing the Librarian’s Annual Performance Agreement and included in their promotion binder. The Assistant Librarian must apply for Continuing Appointment and promotion to Associate Librarian after the 4th year of employment

However, under certain circumstances, the Assistant Librarian may request that specific years be excluded from (not be counted in) this initial period of employment. Such circumstances may include, among others, the birth or adoption of a child, responsibility for managing the illness or disability of a family member, serious persistent personal health issues, and/or death of a parent, spouse, child or domestic partner.  See UNT Policy Manual, Time Period Exclusion from the Probationary Period, 15.0.2.

Continuing Appointment/Associate Librarian (formerly known as Librarian III)

Continuing appointment and the concomitant promotion to the rank of Associate Librarian are generally reserved for those who have four (4) years of relevant professional experience at the Assistant Librarian rank or its equivalent.  Continuing appointment is a serious commitment by the University to librarians and should be reciprocated by an equally serious commitment on the part of librarians.  The award of continuing appointment means that the Associate Librarian no longer has to apply for reappointment, but will continue to have annual evaluations for merit as long as employed by the Libraries.

At this rank, the librarian is expected to demonstrate the following:

  • Specialization in the primary responsibilities, which can be supervisory, technical, or subject-specific responsibilities, or a combination of them.
  • Significant contributions to department, division, or library-level initiatives in the opinion of the supervisor.
  • The ability to develop and maintain professional and productive work relationships with colleagues and others.
  • Progressive development in scholarly, creative, and professional activities that lead to increased professional growth and benefit the profession, the Libraries, or the University.
  • Progressive development in service activities for the Libraries, the University, or the community.

Librarian (formerly known as Librarian IV)

Promotion to Librarian is generally reserved for those who have received continuing appointment and have a minimum of six (6) years of relevant professional experience at the Associate Librarian rank or its equivalent.

At the rank of Librarian, the librarian is expected to demonstrate the following:

  • Mastery of the area of primary responsibilities, as well as a thorough and current understanding of librarianship.
  • Leadership contributions in the planning and implementation of department, division, or library-level initiatives.
  • Outstanding ability to develop and maintain professional and productive work relationships with colleagues and others.
  • Substantial, sustained record in scholarly, creative, and professional activities, and recognition and leadership in area of contribution at the state, national, or international level.
  • Substantial and sustained contributions and leadership in service activities for the Libraries, University, or community.

The Librarian continues to have annual evaluations for merit and has continuing appointment.